Master Planning to Resolve Hawaiian Coastal Problems
Kaneohe Bay, Oahu, Hawaii, is an extensive estuary enclosed by a coral barrier reef. Currently, the Bay is heavily used by numerous groups for a range of different types of activities,...

Innovative Approaches to Resolving Port Mitigation and Dredge Disposal Issues
Two problems are increasingly troublesome for port and harbor authorities planning expansion and modernization of their facilities: the long time involved in identifying, gaining approval...

Offshore Mining Regulatory Processes?A Case Study
This is a case study of the process used in permitting the Nome Offshore Placer Project (NOPP), a gold mining project offshore Nome, Alaska, which operated from 1985 through 1990. The...

Potential for the Bioremediation of Contaminated Dredge Material
Sediment contamination frequently impacts the ability of ports to maintain and deepen shipping channels. One of the common contaminants in channel sediments is polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons...

The Pacific Island Network
The United States has many years of experience and expertise in the management of marine and coastal resources. However, the responsibility for marine and coastal resource management is...

ECOR, an International Organization Active in the Coastal Zone
The Engineering Committee on Oceanic Resources is an international organization that fosters and facilitates cooperation in the field of ocean engineering. The purpose of ECOR is: (a)...

Partnerships Strengthen Watershed Management
In reaching across political and institutional boundaries to manage nonpoint source (nps) programs, agencies are recognizing the need for strong communication, coordination and planning....

Minerals Management and Conflict Resolution
Development of hydrocarbon and mineral resources in Federal waters along the Pacific coast of the United States has been a controversial issue for years. The Minerals Management Service...

State Capacity to Plan and Manage for the Protection of Tidal Wetlands?An Assessment and Recommendations
As states continue to assume major planning and management authority for the protection of coastal natural resources, such as wetlands, a key issue becomes the ability or 'capacity' of...

Evaluation and Management of Irrigation Systems in Southwest Florida
The United States Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service (SCS) provides assistance to growers in the Southwest Florida area for the evaluation, improvement and management...

An Overview of Chemical Contaminants Throughout the Coastal and Estuarine United States
Informed decisions on the use and management of the nation's coastal resources require convenient access to current and reliable information. In 1984, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric...

Selection of Superior Planting Stocks and Development of Regeneration Techniques for Coastal Restoration: A Pilot Study
There is an increasing demand in the U.S. for wetland plants to be used for marsh restoration and coastal stability projects. However, physiologically adapted wetland plants suitable for...

Historical Shoreline Analysis of the Mississippi Gulf Coast
Historical shoreline positions of the Mississippi mainland coast and the barrier islands were digitized for four periods of time. USGS T-sheets provided control for the 1850's, 1917, and...

Bioaccumulation in Mussels Caged in Alamitos Bay, CA
Alamitos Bay is a coastal embayment located in the southern portion of the highly urbanized Los Angeles basin. There is concern of the potential for contamination stemming from urban non-point...

A National Partnership for Action
Coastal America is a unique partnership for action that was established in 1991 to restore, preserve and protect America's coastal heritage. The concept is to leverage the resources, expertise...

Smoke Plumes From In Situ Burning of Oil Spills
Mesoscale pool fire experiments with effective diameters up to 17.2 m were conducted to obtain data on the characteristics of burning crude oil on water. These experiments showed that...

Improvement of Nearshore Water Clarity Due to Artificial Upwelling at Power Plant Diffusers
The cooling water outfall at San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, California, discharges heated water at an offshore sea-bed through multiport nozzles which are angled seaward. After...

Long Term Trends of Some Trawl-Caught Estuarine Species in Louisiana
Louisiana's estuarine area is nearly four times greater than that of any other state and it constitutes some 42 percent of the total within the United States. These wetlands have been...

ECO-NEIGHBORHOOD and Citizen Action
This paper describes a new technique to focus professional and technical expertise in neighborhood settings where people are dedicated to making a difference....

Project Performance: Ocean City, Maryland Beach Nourishment
Detailed monitoring of the performance of a two-phase beach nourishment project has provided valuable information on beach fill behavior and long-term response of a beach fill to prevailing...





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