Performance of Low Stiffness Plastic Pipe in Stiff Soils
Large diameter pipe made from ductile plastics, such as polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polypropylene (PP) and high density polyethylene (HDPE) can be effectively utilized in subsurface installations...

Design Criteria for Buried Flexible Pipe
A modified CANDE program was used to analyze a full factorial set of design parameters for buried, large diameter high density polyethylene profile-wall pipe. A new pipe subroutine was...

Importance of Pipe Soil Stiffness Ratio in Plastic Pipe Design
In this paper, the finite element method of analysis is used to study the effect of pipe-soil stiffness ratio on axial forces, bending moments, and deflection of pipes of varying stiffness....

Economics of Groundwater-Pumping Level Statutes
Pumping from one well may lower the water table in another to the point where pumping from it becomes unfeasible. Problems exist in allocating the increased costs of pumping caused by...

San Joaquin Valley Hydrologic-Economic Model
The rapid development of agriculture in the San Joaquin Valley has resulted in increased ground water pumpage. Increasing energy costs coupled with increasing pumping lifts have a major...

Groundwater Basin Storage in Southern California
The feasibility of implementing a groundwater storage program in the Chino Groundwater Basin (Chino Basin) to increase the firm yield of the SWP (California State Water Project) is considered....

Ground Water Economics in the San Joaquin Valley
Ground water pumping in the San Joaquin Valley to supplement surface water supplies has increased from about 200 thousand acre-feet per year at the beginning of this century to nine million...

Drip Irrigated Cotton: Economics and Water Savings
Groundwater withdrawals for cotton production in the arid Southwest account for about 15 percent of all groundwater withdrawals. In Arizona, cotton's proportion of groundwater...

The Present Status of Application of the Plastic Concepts in Structural Design
The different approaches of recognizing plastic behavior in the design of steel structures are reviewed and the design requirements that assure successful utilization of this behavior...

Computer-Automated Limit-States-Design of Steel Frameworks
The paper concerns the computer-automated synthesis of minimum-weight planar steel frameworks. For any number of applied loading cases, the design of the structure may be constrained by...

Limit State Analysis of Lattice Steel Transmission Towers
The background and present status for limit state analysis of lattice steel towers at the Bonneville Power Administration is presented. Conceptual development, a computer program, and...

Reliability-Based LRFD for Transmission Structures
A simple reliability-based Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) method is proposed for the structural design of electric transmission lines. With the proposed method, the designer...

Plastic Design Requirements of the AISC Proposed LRFD Specification
The American Institute of Steel Construction proposed LRFD Specification (1) has recently completed a one year period of trial use and review. This paper discusses the background of the...

Probing the Past
In Denver, Colorado, 12 buildings of an old abandoned brewery complex were to be renovated into a 270,000 sq ft shopping, entertainment and restaurant complex. Rather than conduct a thorough...

Rehab: More Art than Science
A survey of structural/civil engineers revealed that low fees are the major problem in structural rehabilitation work. Other concerns are unforseen conditions, inadequate investigation,...

Testing for Salt Damage
Salts used to melt snow can contribute to deterioration of concrete structures. Various tests were used to determine the extent of damage in two structures in Rochester, N.Y. One is an...

In-Plane Composite Drains
Drainage of water from outside basement walls, behind retaining walls, or highway cut or fill slopes, has long been a problem. A common solution is the aggregate drain. Often, installation...

Easing Strains in Partner-Managed Firms
The family-like nature of partnerships promotes shared management responsibilities but creates conflict. Partnerships, like families, are often taken for granted by the partners. Nonpartners...

The New Art of Structural Engineering
Exerpt from The Tower and the Bridge: The New Art of Structural Engineering describes the career and the accomplishments of Thomas Telford,...

Evaluating Data Collectors as a Surveying Tool
Data collectors play an increasingly important role in surveying. The data collector serves as an interface between the total station and the computer and as an electronic assistant to...





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