Capability of LMFBR Plant Structures Beyond the Design Base
A study is presented concerning the capability of structures in a loop type Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactor Plant, the Clinch River Breeder Reactor Plant (CRBRP), to sustain conditions...
Reduction of Seismic Response in Breeder Plants
Thin-walled vessels to be used in the Nuclear Steam Supply Systems (NSSS) of future LMFBR's will be more sensitive to seismic excitation than their equivalents used in conventional...
A New Approach to the Design of Core Support Structures for Large LMFBR Plants
The paper describes an innovative design concept for a LMFBR Core Support Structure. A hanging Core Support Structure is described and analyzed. The design offers inherent safety features,...
A Computer Integrated Engineering System for Nuclear Plant Design
The design, construction, and licensing of nuclear power facilities is a long and complicated process which can span a time period of over ten years. This tremendous lead time to plant...
Experimental Determination of Fluid-Coupling Coefficients in an Array of Hexagonal Prisms
The problem is related to the seismic analysis of fast breeder reactor cores, where the fluid trapped between the subassemblies is known to have a considerable influence on the core response....
An Estimate and Evaluation of Design Error Effects on Nuclear Power Plant Design Adequacy
An estimate by the author is found of typical error levels contained in Structural-Mechanical-Civil Design and Stress Reports. Based on the original analysis performed to demonstrate design...
Update on Impact Effects in Nuclear Plants Part II?Review of Pipe Whip Impact
Current regulations require that pipe breaks be postulated in high-energy lines and measures be taken to prevent consequent damage to essential structures and systems. The paper addressed...
As-Built Locations Through Precision Photography
This paper describes a new application of close range photogrammetry as a technique for obtaining reliable as-built locations of embedded threaded inserts in concrete structures and the...
Winter Snowpack Augmentation in Utah
The snowpack enhancement cloudseeding program in Utah was operated continuously for ten consecutive years prior to the 1983-84 water year. It was designed to augment water supplies in...
Weather Modification Potential ? Santa Clara Valley
Santa Clara County of California has been a water deficient area. The Santa Clara Valley Water District has an obligation to the community and to the other water users in the State to...
Assessing Results Weather Modification Programs
There is a continuing need to assess the effectiveness of operational precipitation augmentation weather modification programs. These assessments can serve a variety of needs including:...
Santa Clara Valley Weather Modification Program
This report describes a significant advancement in the Santa Clara Valley Water District's knowledge and understanding of its weather modification (cloudseeding) program,...
Weather Modification Made Easy ? A Cookbook Recipe
This paper takes a cookbook approach to the development of a well organized and efficient cloud seeding endeavor, by discussing seven important items necessary for a successful program....
Slurry Pipeline Control Systems
The paper documents the La Perla-Hercules pipeline and its control system. This eight and fourteen-inch, 382-kilometer iron ore concentrate slurry pipeline was commissioned in June of...
Allen-McColloch Pipeline Computer Based Control System
The Allen McColloch Pipeline (AMP) was designed to deliver 416 cfs of treated water from the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California's Diemer Water Treatment Plant...
Automatic Controls for Industrial Water System
An 8-mile pipeline and associated facilities along its route are controlled by a centralized system consisting of a master station and four remotes. Each site employs Westinghouse programmable...
Security of Unattended Pipeline Stations
The ultimate purpose of a security system is to maintain equipment and service in a normal operating condition or to restore the equipment and service to normal operating condition as...
Pipeline Hydraulic Transient and Leak Detection Analysis
Liquid and gas pipelines cannot be properly designed with consideration of steady flow analysis techniques alone due to the possibility of pipeline failure resulting from uncontrolled...
Design and Performance of Buried Fiberglass Pipes ? A New Perspective
The buried performance of fiberglass pipes was the subject of a comprehensive and multifaceted research program carried out in 1982 and 1983. Instrumentation, capable of accurately tracing...
Design of Thin Wall Reinforced Concrete Pipe Using Dimension Ratio (DR)
Dimension Ratio is defined as the ratio of the internal pipe diameter to the pipe wall thickness. The Caltrans culvert research leading to the development and use of the Dimension Ratio...
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