Probabilistic Seismic Analysis of a Nuclear Power Plant Steel Containment
Concern for the safety of nuclear power plants has motivated efforts to determine the statistical characteristics of the seismic resistance of steel containments under various types of...
Enhancing Quality of Construction on Nuclear Facilities
From the author's viewpoint and the viewpoint of others, the quality of construction on both nuclear projects and many other non-nuclear projects has decreased. The trend...
Techniques for Automating the Process of As-Built Reconciliation
The approach utilizes an electronic digital 'ruler' capable of measuring distances to 100 feet with a resolution of 1/100 of a foot. This ruler interfaces to...
Desin Control for Nuclear Power Plant Modifications
Modifications to operating nuclar power plants which impact structural components must be performed in a manner that is consistent with the licensing basis and technical specifications...
Microcomputer Applications for NSSS Data Package Review
Associated with each component of a Nuclear Steam Supply System are the necessary supporting documents which demonstrate compliance with applicable codes, specifications and design criteria....
New Developments in Seismic Analysis of Primary and Secondary Systems
This paper presents recent advances made at NCSU in the seismic analysis of these systems. Algorithms are presented by which coupled mode shapes and frequencies can be evaluated without...
State-of-the-Art of Development of Floor Spectra
Floor spectra are used as seismic inputs for the design and qualification of subsystems and equipment. Until very recently, the time history analyses with single acceleration time history...
Integrated Testing and Analysis
This paper represents a new approach which greatly streamlines the entire process. In those cases where finite element modeling is used without test verification, the procedure consists...
A Study of the Correlation of the Components of Instructure Motions During Earthquakes
Thirty-two buildings are selected that have all three components of motion recorded in the basement, midheight and top of the structure. The correlation coefficients of these motions,...
The Response of Steel Containment Models to Internal Pressurization
To obtain insight and data on the response of containment vessels subjected to beyond design basis accidents, four 1/32 scale steel containment models have been subjected to internal overpressurization,...
Tension Tests of Containment Wall Isolated Liner Plates
Two tests were conducted using an approximate 2:1 ratio of hoop to meridional load. This simple load ratio is a gross approximation of the liner plate loading in a containment subjected...
Preliminary Analysis of Large Penetration Enclosures for Containment Vessels Subject to Beyond Design Basis Loadings
Numerical simulations of the macro-deformations of the sealing surfaces (gasketed junctures) of a PWR steel containment vessel's equipment hatch subjected to accident loadings...
Major Considerations in Scale Modeling of Reinforced Concrete Containment Structures
Reinforced concrete containment structures pose unique modeling problems, especially when leakage integrity is of interest. This paper presents a general discussion of modeling considerations...
Design Verification of HVAC Duct Turning Vanes in Nuclear Power Plants
HVAC ducts in nuclear power plants utilize short radius elbow construction with turning vanes to minimize the space requirement for duct work and to reduce flow losses in the elbows. Turning...
Evaluation of the Ultimate Pressure Capacity of Rectangular HVAC Ducts for Nuclear Power Plants
Structural design criteria are presently based on the AISI Code which limits the duct panel width-to-thickness ratio to a maximum of 500 and the maximum height-to-thickness ratio to 200,...
Strength and Stiffness Characteristics of Steel Ladder-Type Cable Trays
Ladder-type cable trays identical with the as-built are generally tested to establish their strength and stiffness characteristics. Test data for systems in operating plants, however,...
Modeling Techniques for Seismic Analysis of Supported Systems
An automated seismic qualification process is presented which integrates the modeling and evaluation aspects of supported system design. Emphasis is placed on baseplate and joint design....
Analytical Solution of Cable Tray Hanger 3D Structural Interaction under Seismic Loading
Structural design of cable tray hangers is controlled by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's stringent requirements of seismic analysis. A finite element space frame model...
Vibration Isolation of Cable Tray Hangers
Analytical and experimental investigations have been performed to partially evaluate the feasibility of using much more flexible support systems than those presently used to support electrical...
Piping Analysis: A Flexibility Approach
Design for the vertical and horizontal accelerations associated with a seismic event coupled with low allowable loads on equipment are two primary contributors to the current situation....
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