Seismic Risk and Reliability of Telecommunications Systems
A general method for seismic risk analysis of telecommunications sytems evaluates by statistical means the earthquake environment and the earthquake vulnerability and effects on the system...
Named Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement of the Year, the Luling-Destrehan Bridge across the Mississippi River, twelve miles north of New Orleans, has a 1,222 ft. main span that...
This concrete box girder viaduct, an Award of Merit in the 1984 Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement competition, helps complete a seven mile gap in the Blue Ridge Parkway in North...
Traffic Reroute
During reconstruction of Pittsburgh's Interstate 376, traffic and passenger diversion efforts, more extensive than ever before, were undertaken. Eight percent of the $62 million...
Water Supply
The Foothills Project adds 125 mgd (5.5 m�/s) to the Denver area water treatment capacity, and saved approximately $1 million in energy costs in the first year of its operation. The $163...
Prefab Power
The Love Hydroelectric Generating Station, owned by the city of Vanceburg, Ohio, was prefabricated in France complete with all components, brought across the Atlantic and towed to Greenup...
Refuse Recycling
The refuse recycling plant at Columbus, Ohio, is a pioneer in burning as fuel a combination of refuse and coal. This hybrid fuel has advantages over burning either alone. One winter in...
Roofed with the worlds largest diameter wood dome at 530 ft., the Tacoma Dome, a multi-purpose sports and convention center has helped revitalize a blighted part of that Washington state...
The Jamaica Bay Water Pollution Plant was renovated and upgraded from l973-l983 and included sinking a 116 ft. x 105 ft. caisson 50 ft. deep adjacent to city streets and buildings. The...
Sewage Plant
The Sacramento Regional Wastewater Management Program cost $460 million, took 10 years to build, and solved problems in sludge disposal, odor control, conveyance systems, combined sewer...
Coal Terminal
The Charleston Shipyard River Coal Terminal was constructed by converting a port-side chemical plant at a third of the cost of equivalent major coal terminals. A staged program for the...
Retaining Wall
The foundation of this off-ramp in Manchester, New Hampshire is made up of end-bearing piles and sloping rock anchors�an innovation that is unique to the United States. End bearing piles...
Ocean Energy
The Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) component nominated this year as an ASCE Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement involves the most critical design problem; the cold water...
The Columbus Drive Bascule Bridge in Chicago is one of the largest bascule bridges in the world with a 270 ft. span and 1l0 ft. width. Four welded steel box girders support each of the...
Hydro Power
The Kerckhoff 2 Hydroelectric Power Projects adds 140 MW to the capacity of the San Francisco area's Pacific Gas & Electric system. No new dam was needed; only a 4-mile...
Energy Recovery
In Albany, N.Y. the state and city cooperated in designing and building a refuse-into-steam energy plant that has several unique features. In most such facilities, the entire plant is...
To preserve a vital part of the St. Louis, Mo. water supply , Stacy Park Reservoir was renovated with a new concrete roof over half its area and new beams in the other half. The new roof...
Flood Control
The Hamilton and Riemer reservoirs were constructed by excavating pits below grade to receive flood overflows from adjacent streams. The two reservoirs are part of a 52 sq. mile (135 km�)...
A Systematic Approach to Conducting Seismic Margin Reviews for Nuclear Power Plants
Deviations from the current codes and standards are considered acceptable in a SMR in areas where the design criteria impose significant conservatism provided the intended function of...
Response of Subsystems on Inelastic Structures
Preliminary analyses are performed to obtain insight into the seismic response of subsystems supported on simple structures that yield during severe earthquake ground motions. Current...
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