Financial Management for an Engineering Firm
The CEO usually delegates the responsibility for financial management to the Chief Financial Officer who, in turn, selects from an array of management techniques to control costs, revenues,...
Establishing a Computerized Accounting System in a Consulting Firm
If it has been determined that there is a need for a computer, the next step is to determine the software programming needs. The two distinct options in software are 'packaged'...
Organizational Implications for Financing Constructed Facilities
The ownership arrangements for constructed facilities not only can generate the capital for new facilities but also will influence the management of the construction and operation of these...
Financial Engineering
Most firms perform design and engineering to economic criteria, as a portion of normal activities. This paper attempts to encourage further use of financial engineering by describing its...
Application of User Charges
Local government administrators across the country are increasingly interested in improving the application of user-based charges by documenting the costs of service provided to internal...
The Individual Attitude: Its Impact on Financial Success
Individual engineers often have personalities and interests substantially different from those traits that support the financial success of a project. An engineer's inherent...
Managing Yourself Plus One
Engineers become poor managers because they prefer devoting their time and energies to technical matters rather than those items that deal with management issues. This is true of managing...
Computing in Civil Engineering
A broad spectrum of computer applications in civil engineering is covered in 73 papers presented at the Third Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering. Emphasis is on microcompters...
Just a Few More Tests and We'll Be Sure
This short paper presents a practical approach to data analysis, with the intent of suggesting that simple statistical methods - when tailored to geotechnical problems - do in fact provide...
Probabilistic Nature of Soil Properties
The integrity of a soil material is defined not only by its compositional components but also by the constituent natural bonds and the resultant interactions between the various constituents...
Principles of Probabilistic Characterizations of Soil Properties
Sources of uncertainties affecting characterization of soil properties in a homogeneous soil layer include inherent spatial variability, systematic test bias, random test errors, calibration...
Application of Methods of Probabilistic Characterization of Soil Properties
The use of probabilistic methods to describe soil properties has many applications. One such application that has been developed is in the area of probabilistic slope stability analysis....
Characteristics of Indiana Soil Properties
The Indiana Geotechnical Data Bank was established to collect engineering soil data in the state and to provide information for engineering planning and design works. It contains nearly...
Coefficient of Variation of In Situ Tests in Sand
For a research project on the behavior of piles in sand for the United States Geological Survey and the Federal Highway Administration, ten sites were selected where detailed load tests...
Probabilistic Characterization of Nigerian Falls
A probabilistic method of subsurface characterization is developed for sites in Southern Nigeria. This method is based on the use of statistics to analyze real field data and determine...
An Extreme-Value Model for Strength of Stiff Clays
The role of the distribution function in the safety analysis of soil structures is briefly discussed. Comparison of the two statistical distributions - normal and Weibull - reveals that...
Landform-Based Characterization of Soil Properties
A probabilistic characterization of site soil properties can be achieved with sparse site-specific data by augmenting them with data available from other sites in the region having the...
Steel Girder Bridge Sets Record Length
The Veterans Memorial Bridge at Ottawa, Ill., is the longest plate girder, stringer type bridge in the country with spans of 385, 510 and 305 ft. Value engineering played an important...
Fire Combustion Toxicity Tests�Good Idea or Not?
The smoke from burning synthetic materials in buildings is highly toxic and is a key cause of deaths in building fires. If fire codes regulate on the basis of the toxicity of smoke of...
River Lock Rehab: A Winter's Tale
Lock & Dam �1 on the Mississippi River between Minneapolis and St. Paul had deteriorated badly but the U.S. Corps of Engineers determined that replacement with a new structure...
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