Terrain Analysis for the Trans-Alaska Pipeline
Airphoto interpretation and field reconnaissance were combined with a computer-based data bank to evaluate the diverse terrain conditions along the Trans-Alaska Pipeline because acquisition...

Teton Dam Failure
In June 1976, Teton Dam in Idaho failed. It was an earthfill dam 305 ft high. It failed by piping through the impermeable core of the dam. Among factors believed contributing to failure:...

Liability Claims Against Soils Firms Slashed Dramatically
In 1969, consulting engineering firms engaged on soil and foundation engineering were virtually uninsurable. Taking the bull by the horms, a group of 10 soil and foundation engineering...

Wyoming Grassland May Become World Coal Mining Capital
In the next 10 years United State coal output may double, and forecasts suggest as much as one-third of the increase may come from Campbell County, Wyo. Among topics discussed in this...

Can Trench Cave-In Deaths Be Cut�
About 100 construction workers die each year in trench cave-ins. That toll can be cut, two engineer-researchers conclude. Approach would be to make more-adequate geotechnical analysis...

The Story of Cement, Concrete and Reinforced Concrete
When the dawn of history, man has sought for materials to cement stone and brick together. When rebuilding the Eddystone lighthouse in 1756, John Smeaton recognized ordinary lime morter...

Cost-Effectiveness of On-Site and Community Sewerage Alternatives
Some research and development work has taken place, over many years, on individual on-site treatment and disposal systems as well as non-conventional systems. Most recent work, however,...

Rock Engineering for Foundations & Slopes
Proceedings of a specialty conference on Rock Engineering for Foundations and Slopes, held in University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, August 15-18, 1976. Sponsored by the Geotechnical...

Award-Winning ASCE Papers in Geotechnical Engineering 1950-1959
Papers, Discussions, and Closures from ASCE Proceedings and Journal of the Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division
This collection of papers covers a broad range of relevant issues in geotechnical engineering. Topics include capillary phenomena in cohesive soils, final foundation treatment at Hoover...

Yukon River to Prudhoe Bay Highway � Lessons in Arctic Design and Construction
Construction of roads on muskeg over perennially frozen subsoils is becoming increasingly common in the arctic and subarctic regions of North America due to recent emphasis on development...

Let's Consider Land Treatment, Not Land Disposal
The regulations that control operation and design of land treatment systems are discussed. A solution to control ground water pollution must consider all potential impacts. Pretreatment,...

New Orleans Grows on Deep Piles
In the New Orleans area, tall buildings must be supported by piles extending at least into the preconsolidated clays at -150-ft (-46-m) or so. Settlement is much too severe and uneven...

Hydraulic Fill Dams/Earthquake Stability
The 1971 San Fernando earthquake near Los Angeles, Calif., generated concern for the stability of hydraulic fill dams. Two dams located near the fault were damaged severely. The shaking...

Consultants Reviewing Plans of Other Consultants in Fairfax County, Va.; Landslides Greatly Reduced
Virginia's Fairfax County has been one of the nation's faster growing, thanks to its proximity to the nation's capital. But terrain is hilly, and...

Controlling Runoff from Construction Sites
In recent years, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and a number of states have been placing increased emphasis on controlling erosion and sediment-laden runoff from construction...

208: A Process for Water Quality Management
The Section 208 program is the key to the continuous management of the nation's water pollution clean-up efforts. In the past, regional approaches to water pollution abatement...

Structural Analysis and Design of Nuclear Plant Facilities
Draft Trial Use and Comment (Supplement)
Structural Analysis and Design of Nuclear Plant Facilities is a supplement to the (Draft for Trial Use and Comment) Manual of Engineering Practice...

Methods of Structural Analysis
Proceedings of the National Structural Engineering Conference, Methods of Structural Analysis, an ASCE Structural Division Specialty Conference held at the University of Wisconsin, Madison,...

Washington, D.C. Mall Tunnel
The 4,002 ft (1220 m) cut and cover tunnel crossing the Mall just west of the U.S. Capitol created some unusual construction and design problems. Three areas warrant special mention. These...

Frost Heaves�� A Major Dilemma for Ice Arenas
The ice sheets of three arenas in Minneapolis-St. Paul have had frost heaves ranging from seven to eleven inches (0.2 to 0.3 m). Proper design should prevent frost from penetrating the...





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