Japan Spans the Inland
Japan recently opened the Kojima-Sakaide Route, a 13.1 km series of bridges across the Inland Sea. The route connects two of Japan's four main islands�Honshu and Shikoku....

Energy/Environment Opportunities for Civil Engineers
In the West, Nuclear Facilities Decommissioning; In the East, Implementation of Waste to Energy Systems
The papers in this book examine and provide illustrations for civil engineering opportunities in resolving apparent conflicts between needs for energy generation and environmental acceptability....

Microcomputer Knowledge-Based Expert Systems in Civil Engineering
This book contains sixteen papers presenting applications of expert system technology to civil engineering problems with emphasis on microcomputer implementations. It is divided into four...

Cable Stayed Bridges
Two of these five papers on cable-stayed bridges deal with wind analysis. One develops the theory for motion due to flutter and reaches the conclusion that the vibrations are, in general,...

Geotechnical Aspects of Karst Terrains
Exploration, Foundation Design and Performance, and Remedial Measures
The presence of solution cavities in karst terrains poses some unique problems in site exploration, design of foundations, and in remediation of problems with existing structures. Case...

Parallel and Distributed Processing in Structural Engineering
Parallel processing is emerging as an effective approach to large scale structural engineering computations. The papers included in this book cover vibration analysis using a parallel...

Impact of International Competitiveness on Construction Technology
Both international and domestic construction markets are changing and forcing changes in construction technology. These proceedings contain six papers from an ASCE technical session on...

Drip Irrigation for a College Container Nursery
A drip irrigation system was installed by students during the summer of 1987 at the Ohio State University Agricultural Technical Institute, Wooster. The goals of this project were for...

Needed Social, Cultural and Design Changes to Successfully Manage Nigerian Surface Irrigated Projects
The aim of this paper is to illustrate the broad nature of problems associated with the faulty initial designs of water distribution network and irrigation methods and poor participartion...

Groundwater, Technology, and Society
Water management is a multi-dimensional process. Its measures are technology, institutions and society's desires. For a management strategy to be implementable, it must accommodate...

Computer Spreadsheet Applications to Small Site Drainage Engineering
The computer spreadsheet provides the drainage engineer with a simple, efficient, and adaptable tool for modeling drainage engineering problems. Engineering applications include runoff...

Economic Analysis of Canal Animal Protection Measures
Justification of canal animal protection measures has been, to a degree, driven by environmental and social constraints and as a result, large expenditures of funds to protect ungulates...

Use of the Penman Equation in Inter-Mountain Valleys
H.L. Penman equation as well as the J.L. Monteith version of this equation were compared under the advective conditions of the Grand Valley of Colorado. The wind function in the general...

What is an Expert System?
Expert systems are probably the predominant area of artificial intelligence (AI) since the technology has a wide degree of application today. Expert systems function primarily on the concept...

Personal Consultant Series a Step by Step Guide
The paper discusses the Texas Instruments' Personal Consultant Series of expert system development tools, a versatile set of compatible tools for the expert system developer....

DSS: A Dam Site Selector Expert System
The Dam Site Selector (DSS) expert system is an aid for rating an area for use as a dam site and reservoir. It was developed for use in a graduate level hydrology design course at Purdue...

Irrigation Scheduling Using Voice Synthesis, the Next Logical Step
An irrigation management program sponsored by the Raft River Electric Cooperative in Malta, Idaho, provided directly measured soil moisture data to selected irrigators each week during...

The North Dakota Atmospheric Resource Program
For over a third of a century regions of North Dakota have conducted cloud seeding operations aimed at hail damage mitigation or rainfall enhancement. Cloud modification has become an...

The Social Sciences and Water Resources Management
With support from the National Science Foundation, a committee of 15 persons met in Washington, D.C. in 1985 to begin the process of assessing the past and future role of the social and...

Social Science, Engineering and Water Resources Management: A Perspective
This paper shares a framework or context for professional activities of social scientists in water resources management. It emphasizes the positive opportunities for helping and not simply...





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