Settlement and Stability of Ocean Disposal Mounds
This study examines the engineering behavior of dredged material disposal mounds in Long Island Sound. The study area is located about eight miles off the coast of New Haven where several...

Wetland Creation in Baltimore Harbor
Three areas of Baltimore Harbor were examined for use as wetland sites by Interstate Division for Baltimore City. Each site presented unique and interesting challenges to design. Economic...

The London Dumping Convention and Its Role in Regulating Dredged Material: An Update
The United States is signatory to an international treaty that is implemented through the Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter (London...

Tampa Harbor Florida Deepening Project
Tampa Harbor is one of the largest dredging projects ever undertaken by the Corps of Engineers. The major features of the deepening project which presented the greatest problems were the...

Development of an Estuary-Wide Mitigation Strategy for Future
The Tampa Port Authority has been active in the regional bay study committee which identified two priority needs which relate very directly to the port's long-term development...

Plant Bioassay of Contaminated Dredged Material
Contaminant mobility from a contaminated saltwater sediment placed in flooded and upland disposal conditions was studied in the greenhouse. Spartina alterniflora was grown in contaminated...

Fabric-Reinforced Dikes, Craney Island
Three fabric-reinforced test sections 300-, 400-, and 750-ft long were successfully constructed on very soft dredged material deposits within the Craney Island dredged material disposal...

Management Strategy for Disposal of Dredged Material
The diversity of disposal alternatives and techniques for management of contaminated dredged material requires the development of an overall management strategy for disposal. The selection...

Dredged Material Disposal Modeling - Chesapeake Bay
A plan to deepen the approach channels to Baltimore Harbor from 42 feet to 50 feet involves in part the overboard disposal of about 9. 5 million cubic yards of dredged material in the...

A Biogeochemical Evaluation of Disposal Options
This paper briefly reviews some of the factors that should be considered in selecting an environmentally sound disposal method for contaminated sediments on the basis of the biogeochemical...

REMOTS Sediment Profiling at the Field Verification Program
Disposal of uncapped highly polluted Black Rock Harbor muds took place in April-May 1983 at a buoy located within the Central Long Island Sound Disposal Area in 62-66 feet of water. Baseline...

Evapoconsolidation in Fine-grained Material
The increased difficulty of obtaining land needed for confined disposal of dredged material and phosphatic clays highlights the need to assess alternative disposal measures by accurately...

An Offshore Mound Constructed of Dredged Material
The concept of using dredged material to intentionally construct an underwater mound was tested and confirmed at the Dam Neck Disposal Site, 4 miles offshore Virginia Beach, Virginia....

Marsh Creation Impacts - Mississippi River Delta
Significant conversion of marsh to open water is occurring in the Mississippi River Delta. Evidence is presented that marsh is more valuable to fish and wildlife resources than open water;...

Computer Models for Dredged Material Disposal Planning
Short term and long term planning for the disposal of dredged material can be significantly enhanced using state-of-the-art computer modeling. Computerized mathematical models can be constructed...

The Maryland Dredge and Fill Permit Process Handbook
Safe navigation in the waters of the State of Maryland is made possible, in part, by the continued maintenance dredging of the State's many ports and waterways. Dredging projects...

Confined Disposal in the Canadian Great Lakes
The dredging activities of Public Works Canada, Ontario Region, extend over most of the Canadian Great Lakes thereby significantly impacting on its environment. The paper presents a brief...

RCRA EP Toxicity Test Applied to Dredged Material
A set of 25 Great Lakes harbor sediment samples were subjected to bulk sediment analysis and the EP Toxicity Test. Based on the results of this pilot study, there appears to be little,...

Need for Long-Term Planning for Dredged Material Containment
The biological, chemical and physical integrity of our nations waters are protected, in part, by the provisions of the Clean Water Act. This Act provided for the development of guidelines...

Solving Channel Maintenance Problems at Reads Landing, MN
Dredging a sediment trap at the delta of the Chippewa River is being tested as a channel maintenance technique. It's designed to improve the Corps of Engineers predictive...





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