Highway Erosion Remedial Measures
Soil erosion from highway ditches, cut slopes and fill slopes present a continuous problem to roadway designers, geotechnical engineers, and construction and maintenance personnel from...

Prediction of Time Development of Local Scour
The prediction of the time development of local scour is commonly solved by means of model tests. A brief description of the time-scale and the relation between the time and the scour...

Laboratory Analysis of Hyperconcentrations
The physical and kinematic behavior of hyperconcentrations has been reviewed and a summary of recent and past developments in hyperconcentrated flow research is presented. This paper focuses...

Settling Basin Model for the Personal Computer
The SETSIZE program, models sediment deposition in a settling basin. The program can be applied to determine the length of time until dredging or cleaning is necessary or solve for an...

Sedimentation in Mud Mountain Reservoir at High Discharge
Mud Mountain Dam is a single purpose flood control project completed in 1948 on the White River in the State of Washington. The White River drains the northern and northeastern slopes...

Cold Regions Engineering
This volume contains papers that were presented at the 5th International Cold Regions Engineering Specialty Conference, sponsored by ASCE and held in St. Paul, Minnesota, February 6-8,...

Ports '89
This is a collection of the technical papers presented at the triennial Ports '89 Conference held in Boston, Massachusetts in May 1989. Authors, although predominantly from...

Application of Hydraulic and Sediment Transport Principles in the Design of Tidal Exchange Structures
This paper presents a procedure for the analysis and design of tidal exchange structures, such as tidal gates and training dikes. In lieu of over generalized theories or complicated modeling...

Single-Channel Alluvial Fan Hydraulics with Application to Design of Medium-Density Projects
Methods to identify flood hazards on alluvial fans are provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in their Flood Insurance Study, Guidelines and Specifications for Study...

Hydraulic Design of the Unser Boulevard Crossing
As an integral part of the design process, a comprehensive hydrologic, hydraulic and sediment transport analysis was completed of the proposed Unser Boulevard crossing of Calabacillas...

Partnership in Environmental Design for Brush Creek Flood Control
Brush Creek drains a highly urbanized area in metropolitan Kansas City. A large physical model was used to develop a channel modification design for flood control. The Parks and Recreation...

Regional Flood Plain Management
A flood plain management plan for White Rock Creek in the Cities of Dallas and Plano, Texas was developed. New technologies such as three-dimensional topography, CADD, and remote sensing...

Experience with Cavitation in High Pressure Slide Gates
The Bureau of Reclamation has many years of experience in the design and operation of high pressure slide gates. This paper discusses the historical use of high pressure slide gates by...

Design, Construction and Testing of Repairs to the Low Level Outlets at Terzaghi Dam
Operation of the low level outlets (LLOs) at Terzaghi Dam in southwestern British Columbia resulted in severe cavitation at operating heads significantly lower than design. Modifications...

Extreme Flood Probability Estimates in Practice
Selecting the safety design flood for a dam or siting structures where flooding would cause severe social or economic disruption requires balancing the likelihood and consequences of failure...

The Estimation of Extreme Floods in Brazil
In Brazil, the design flood of a large dam is calculated using either the Probable Maximum Flood criteria or the 10,000-year Flood. Recently a Guidebook has been written to help Brazilian...

Effects of Climate Change on Watershed Runoff
This paper examines forecasts of changes in watershed runoff in the Delaware River basin that result from a range of predicted effects of increased atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2)...

An Overview of Coastal Stormwater Drainage Problems
Considerable studies have focused on the drainage design in upland areas. In the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal region, the stormwater drainage presents many unique problems mainly due to the...

Design of Expansions for Sub-Critical Open Channel Flow
Expansions for open channel flow at sub-critical velocity are required whenever it is necessary to reduce the velocity of flow from a structure which discharges into an erodible channel....

Hydraulic Design of Mud Mountain Dam Outlet Works Modifications
Mud Mountain Dam is a single-purpose flood control project located on the White River in western Washington State. The existing flood control outlet works consist of an upstream controlled...





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