Geotechnical Innovations: Why Seldom Used in Highways?
Ground improvement methods introduced within the past decade to American geotechnical engineers offer cost savings, ease of construction and reduced construction time. Amont these innovations...
1986: The Year of the Connection
It is proposed that 1986 be designated the Year of the Connection and that the American Society of Civil Engineers take a leading role in overcoming problems now associated with structural...
Window Glass in Extreme Winds: Design for Flying Debris
Whether or not to change design procedures for window glass in buildings subject to very high winds was debated at the ASCE Convention in Houston. Preventing gravel and other debris from...
Distillery Wastes Treated and Recovered Energy Saves $1 Million/Yr
The waste treatment and energy recovery for the world's largest rum distillery (Bacardi Corp., San Juan, Puerto Rico) uses an aerobic digestion to treat distillery wastes...
Surveying's New Promise: Centimeters from Space
One centimeter accuracy at far less cost than surveying by traditional methods is promised by the Global Positioning System (GPS). Signals from NAVSTAR satellites are received by two or...
Slurry Trenches for Containing Hazardous Wastes
Slurry trench technology has not advanced much during the past 10 years due to a lack in research and development, the excerbated litigious climate in the environmental protection field,...
Peer Review: A Management Tool for Public Sector Projects
If done correctly, peer review can be an effective tool in managing public sector projects by reducing costs through careful weighing of design alternatives by experts in the field. The...
Can Digital Terrain Data Cut Route Selection Time?
The use of photogrammetry in the collection of digital terrain and the use of a computer to process data is not being used to its fullest. Use of these two tools together increases access...
Big Organizations: Restructure Them into Small Ones
Engineering firms and agencies grow in two ways: horizontally as the number of specialized support divisions increases, and vertically through new positions in the hierarchy. The traditional...
Curved Sewers: Yes or No?
A study of curved sewer use in Southern California examines sewer design and maintenance of curved versus straight sewers. A telephone survey of personnel in design and maintenance of...
Civil Engineering Productivity�Can It Be Boosted?
In the past 20 years, construction labor productivity has declined while private business productivity has risen. And construction's percent of U.S. GNP has dropped nearly...
Innovative Engineering Completes Dredge Spoil Disposal Facility
A large dredge spoil facility was completed for the Fort McHenry Tunnel that received 3.5 million cu yds of dredged material, and was constructed so that it could be converted into a port...
Water Supply Management Enters a New Era
Historical demand can no longer dictate water supply planning. The lessons learned in California are that changes in political and social attitudes require new approaches. Taxpayers are...
Flowable Fly Ash: A New Cement Stabilized Backfill
Cement stabilized fly ash placed at a plastic fluid consistency is a new structural backfill material that flows into place, either above or below water, without using sophisticated construction...
How to Strengthen Client-Consultant Relationships
Effective use of a professional consultant is often diminished by poor management-staff communication. Consultants, because of their previous experience, may be able to provide input to...
Rail and Road Traffic Continue During Bridge Modification
The crossing of Route 15 under the Bangor and Aroostook Railroad Bridge, Bangor, Maine had limited sight distance and marginal clearances. Maine Department of Transportation, therefore,...
Structural Steel Details: Comments on Divided Responsibility
Five readers responded to an article on responsibility for structural steel details published in
Civil Engineering: At the Center of Technology for Tomorrow
Between now and the year 2000 civil engineers have the opportunity, perhaps more than any other profession, to help create the monuments of our civilization. This will involve projects...
Can Management Techniques Solve Pavement Woes?
Cities are increasingly turning to systematic procedures for allocating scare manpower and funds and measuring pavement repair and rehabilitation needs. Many cities have adopted pavement...
Fluid/Structure Interaction During Seismic Excitation
Hydrodynamic loading and other fluid/structure interaction effects need to be considered in the design of structures which contain, surround, or are submerged in fluids when subject to...
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