Small Systems Struggle
Across the U.S., small communities are caught in a bind. Local governments bear the primary day-to-day burden of caring for public works, responsible for 70% of the nation's...

The Heartbeat of the Artery
One of the most ambitious infrastructure megaprojects in recent memory, Boston's $5 billion Central Artery runs the gamut of civil engineering disciplines. Design, highway,...

Coastal Geomorphology and Sand Budgets Applied to Beach Nourishment
It is commonly assumed beach nourishment projects are more successful if applied over long distances of shoreline. Short projects tend to unravel at the ends as the bulge formed by the...

Experience with Beach Fill Equilibration and Recommended Design Guidelines
Well documented engineering procedures suitable for determining design berm dimensions subsequent to profile equilibration appear to be lacking. Failure to properly account for cross-shore...

Gravel Equilibrium Beach Design for Arresting Shore Erosion at Flathead Lake, Montana
Erosion of the north shore of Flathead Lake, Montana, is caused by summer wind waves generated along a 22-mile fetch. The preferred method for arresting erosion there is a beach composed...

Coastal Processes and Engineering on a Micronesian Fringing Reef
In 1980, portions of the fringing reef flat protecting the village of Tafunsak, Federated States of Micronesia, were dredged to provide fill material for an airport runway access road....

Observation of the Post-Construction Performance of a System of Groins along an Eroding Beach
A system of six groins was constructed along an eroding coast of reversing sediment transport. This paper describes the performance of the groin system in terms of the evolution of the...

Comparison of Model and Field Results for Barbers Point Harbor
As waves travel into harbors from deep water, nonlinear processes lead to transfers of energy from the wind wave frequencies to long waves with periods of the order of several minutes....

Numerical Modeling of Proposed Kawaihae Harbor, HI
The Kawaihae shallow-draft harbor site is located on the northwest coast of the island of Hawaii, HI. An entrance channel, turning basin, and breakwater currently exist at the harbor site....

Inner Harbor Wave Conditions due to Breakwater Overtopping
The results of this study have important application to the design of small boat marinas protected from incident waves by breakwaters that may be overtopped during extreme wave events....

Wave Barriers: An Environmentally Benign Alternative
This paper describes the history and development of the environmental wave barrier and the current planning and design being undertaken for a major expansion of the small boat harbor at...

57 Years of Coastal Engineering Practice at a Problem Inlet: Indian River Inlet, Delaware
This paper presents a review of Indian River Inlet's behavior in its natural state prior to jetty construction and summarizes the level of understanding of coastal processes and inlet-bay...

Investigation of Coastal Conditions at Oregon Inlet, NC for the Replacement of the Herbert C. Bonner Bridge
The Bonner Bridge across Oregon Inlet was constructed in 1962 and is approaching the end of its service life. Planning for a future crossing must consider natural inlet migration expected...

Scour Hole Development and Stabilization at Shinnecock and Moriches Inlets, New York
A scour hole developed inside the Shinnecock Inlet channel near the tip of the west jetty. Over the years, this hole deepened to about 70 ft below the mean low water level with the average...

Longshore Sediment Transport Rate at Morro Bay, CA
Estimates of sediment transport rate in the vicinity of Morro Bay Harbor are needed as part of an investigation of possible modifications to the existing Federal project. Because the site...

Alternative Study for the Breakwater and Fishing Pier Rehabilitation at Playland Park, Rye, New York
An alternative study was conducted to determine that existing condition of a deteriorated timber pier and a rubblemound breakwater, and to develop alternative rehabilitation plans leading...

Design of a Mechanical Refuse Barrier
In the summer of 1988, beachgoers flocking to the New Jersey shore for relief from unusually hot, hurried weather were stunned by the grisly spectacle of hospital debris, industrial and...

Wave Forecasting for Construction in Mobile Bay
Wave heights were forecast for day-to-day pipeline construction operations in the Main Pass area of Mobile Bay. A low-cost forecasting procedure was developed using the wave generation...

The Talbert Channel Ocean Outlet Project
The Talbert Channel Ocean Outlet Project consisted of relocating and enlarging the outlet of a relatively narrow, shallow flood control channel in Southern California. Noteworthy aspects...

Construction on Wisconsin's Lake Michigan Coast
This paper provides a preliminary evaluation of a set of 100 residential properties along Wisconsin's Lake Michigan coast; an examination of the vulnerability of coastal homes and adequacy...





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