Trends in Waste Management Program Costs: An Evolution of Estimating Methods and Results
The purpose of this paper is to present a summary of how the program cost projections contained in the five TSLCC analyses performed to-date and the estimating methods used to make these...

The Role of Sensor Directed, Model-Based Control in Robotic Handling of Nuclear Waste Casks and Materials
This paper discusses the results from several projects at Sandia National Laboratories investigating the application of intelligent machine technologies to remote handling of nuclear waste...

Analysis of RADTRAN Transportation Model
The RADTRAN computer model, used to estimate the risks of transporting waste to a high-level repository, is critically reviewed. Ignoring high consequence accidents, human error, sabotage,...

Multi-Dimensional Modeling of Unsaturated Flow in the Vicinity of Exploratory Shafts and Fault Zones at Yucca Mountain, Nevada
Modeling studies were conducted to determine the potential effects of exploratory shafts on moisture distribution in the vicinity of an exploratory shaft facility, and the potential for...

Applications of Fracture-Flow Modeling to Site Characterization
This paper describes practical applications of discrete-fracture approaches for design and analysis of groundwater flow about high-level radioactive waste repositories. The paper presents...

The Systems Integration Modeling System
The Systems Integration Modeling System (SIMS) is an analysis tool for the detailed evaluation of the structure and related performance of the Federal Waste Management System (FWMS) and...

Systems Integration Operations/Logistics Model (SOLMOD)
SOLMOD is a discrete event simulation model written in FORTRAN 77 and operates in a VAX or PC environment. The model emulates the movement and interaction of equipment and radioactive...

The Coordination of System Representation and Operating Assumptions for System Studies in SIMS
Two projects at the Pacific Northwest Laboratory (PNL) have been devoted to development of the capability to provide descriptive details of the Federal Waste Management System (FWMS) and...

The Truss-Beam and Space Technology
A method is presented herein to determine the dynamic characteristics of truss-beam systems for both planar and space structures. Results from this approach are compared with those of...

Global Problems: Implementing Mission to Planet Earth
Serious global environmental problems are facing our generation on Earth. The decrease in ozone concentrations and the greenhouse effect have implications for all life forms on the planet....

Large Space Systems in Global Change Mitigation
Alternative courses of action are an important aspect of reacting to climate changes, including the greenhouse effect, and other environmental issues such as depletion of the ozone layer....

The Optimum Dimensions of Radiative Spines
Radiative pin fins (spines) are important in conjunction with heat rejection systems for space applications. In the design of radiators for space applications, spines possessing minimum...

A Prototype Model for Human/Automation Trade-offs
Future space construction missions will involve both human and machine constructors. Selection of the optimum constructor mix requires a model of constructor capabilities and requirements....

The Selection of Constructors for Space Construction
The process of space construction is defined by the construction goal and by the construction system selected to accomplish that goal. The goal provides the tasks that must be executed,...

A Language Model for Space Construction Control
The optimal construction system for many space construction projects is a mixed construction ensemble. Such an ensemble consists of humans, robots with varying degrees of teleoperation...

Planning Model for Sewer System Rehabilitation
A probabilistic model is developed to simulate long-term variation in the structural condition of wastewater collection systems. The effects of both deterioration and rehabilitation can...

A Design Process for Water Distribution Systems Including Optimization
Design of a water distribution system is a multi-level process from preliminary planning to final detailed sizing of components. Unfortunately as in many design problems, a final detailed...

Optimal Control Strategies for Water Distribution Systems
The overall operation problem becomes one of determining which pumps to run and when to run them so that electrical unit costs and electrical demand charges are minimized while at the...

Predicting Watermain Breakage Rates
Recent studies on water main breakage have shown significant spatial and temporal clustering in the breakage pattern. The methodology described in the paper provides the basis for a prediction...

Rehabilitation Model for Water Distribution Systems
This paper presents an optimization model for determining the minimum cost rehabilitation and replacement of pipes in water distribution systems. The advantages of the proposed model include...





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