Design of Plastic Piece Parts
This paper describes a computer assisted design process originally developed at the University of Wyoming and now implemented in commercial software. In order to address the need for broadly...

Computer Aided Design of Monolithic Integrated Circuits
An algorithm has been developed to relocate the sites of electrical components and integrated circuits. The process simulates site location changes in order that path lengths of conductors...

Constraint Based Design from Research into the Classroom
Design is constraint oriented; much of the design process involves the recognition, formulation and satisfaction of constraints. Constraints are continually being added, deleted and modified...

Stereolithography is a three-dimensional printing process which produces accurate copies of CAD solid or surface models directly from CAD data. The process uses a moving laser beam, directed...

CAD/CAM: Reverse Engineering Applications
The reproduction of parts for which drawings or CAD files are not available has always caused engineering effort to be expended in a non-routine manner. The need for such a reverse engineering...

Frame Based Expert Systems?The Clear Choice for CAPP Systems
This paper gives a brief overview of Computer Aided Process Planning (CAPP) systems. We attempt to examine some of the representational problems specifically associated with production...

Organization of Software Application Areas at The University of Michigan College of Engineering
This paper emphasizes the organizational aspects of bringing workstation use into a wide variety of courses through small interdisciplinary organizations within the College called sectors....

Implementation of CAE at UDC: A Pioneer Approach
This paper describes the initiation and implementation of Computer Aided Engineering at the department of electrical engineering of the University of the District of Columbia, using state-of-the-art...

Local Area Network Communications Testing
This paper presents the philosophy developed for benchmark communications testing in networks typical of CAD/CAM environments. Implementation of the test philosophy in a connectionless...

CAD and Video Teleconferencing Network Development
The Institute for Telecommunication Sciences is developing a prototype network to demonstrate the integration of a variety of services and methods for fulfilling Navy shipbuilding requirements....

Computer Networking Needs in Engineering Technology
This paper deals with the planning and implementation of a local area network at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock in the new $13 million Engineering Technology and Applied Science...

Cost of Radon Control Measures in New Construction
Installation of a radon prevention system in new construction increases costs to builders and to homebuyers as well. Builders and/or their engineers will need to assess different approaches...

Evaluation and Selection of RBC Models for Design of Domestic Wastewater Facilities
This study evaluated three existing models commonly used for the design of Rotating Biological Contactors (RBC). Operating data from six RBC Treatment Plants located in eastern Massachusetts...

Proposal for Combining Expert Systems and Canal Design
Expert Systems can be combined with a computer aided design methodology to develop a cost effective canal system. The System should consider a feasible set of design alternatives to satisfy...

Development of the Hydrology Criteria Manual for Harris County, Texas
The Harris County Flood Control District (HCFCD) was created in 1937 with the primary objectives of reducing potential damages from flooding in the Harris County area and of providing...

Potential Non-Traffic Benefits from a New Highway
The State of Delaware is now in the design/build phase of a major north-south relief highway. Expedient action included an Environmental Impact Statement adequate to show that the project...

Locating and Sizing Air Release Valves on Irrigation Systems
This writing is directed to persons involved in irrigation systems and describes the usage of air release and vacuum valves. Principles described are applicable to many other piping systems,...

Simulation Model for Economic Irrigation Project Planning and Design
The principle design parameters considered are: water supply configurations (quantity, source and storage); shapes and sizes of the area to be served; on-farm irrigation techniques; cropping...

The Los Vaqueros Model: A Microcomputer-Based Reservoir Planning System
This paper describes the development and application of a set of microcomputer models for the evaluation of a complex water resources project. The Los Vaqueros Model includes components...

Comparison of n Values in Natural and Dredged Channels
Manning's n values were determined for three stream channels in two complex watersheds in North Mississippi. The study covered a wide range of channel conditions and flow...





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