Cost Engineering for Disputed Work
Engineers and architects tend to underestimate the cost of disputed work, especially those connected with delay. The engineer, using industry standards and estimating rules of thumb, can...
Drainage Tunnels Save Freeway Link
A 15 mile section through downtown Phoenix will complete Interstate 10. After years of delay, the project is now close to completion. The project required construction of 6.5 miles of...
Small Water Users�Planning Crisis
Planning to rehabilitate small water systems�both irrigation and municipal water supply�often is ignored. In contrast, planning for new construction and for operations/maintenance work...
Resource Allocation with Project Manager Control
There are some logical reasons behind the partial acceptance of the resource allocation research by the construction industry. These reasons are based on field experience and the daily...
Insulative Lightweight Concrete for Building Walls
Research is currently being conducted to develop a portland cement concrete for use in low-rise building walls that will combine the structural, thermal insulating, and heat storage capacity...
Simulating Construction Operations by Microcomputer
Field operations on major construction projects involve complex interactions among construction equipment, materials and supplies, skilled craft resources, and technical and administrative...
Modeling Construction Companies
This paper reports on the development, implementation, and practical use of a micro-computer based system which simulates the organizational performance of construction companies. The...
Decision Support System for Tunneling
This paper first discusses methodologies for considering geological uncertainty in tunneling projects and for determining the most economic excavation and support methods under such condition;...
Nine Years' Service with Deep Polymer Impregnation
A test installation of deep polymer impregnation was applied to a heavily traveled bridge deck in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, in 1975. The deep polymer impregnation process involved drying...
Type C Fly Ash and Clay Stabilization
Because the soils onsite have a high swell potential, a 37 foot high retaining wall was designed with counterforts and was supported by pier foundations to limestone. In order to reduce...
Tensile Fracture and Fatigue of Cement Stabilized Soil
Portland cement stabilized soil is widely used as a base material for roads, airfields, and similar structures. Cracking in this material is studied using fracture mechanics concepts....
Rigid Pavement Rehabilitation: Interstate 95?Duval County, Florida
Rehabilitation studies have been conducted on Interstate 95 in Duval County, Florida. The rigid, unreinforced pavements were constructed in the late 1950's and 1940's....
Chicago's TARP Challenge?8 Million Tons of Rock
The Metropolitan Sanitary District of Greater Chicago (MSDGC) serves 122 municipalities covering 866 square miles in Cook County, Illinois. Of these cities, towns and villages, 53 have...
Soft Ground Tunneling of the Greenbelt Tunnels
Mergentime/Loram's contract for the construction of Section E-1d Greenbelt Route Tunnels includes construction of dual 1,770-foot tunnels in soft ground, a crossover structure,...
Flint Tunnel?A Project of Change and Challenge
The talk will deal with construction of a 12' diameter (8. 5' finished) tunnel in the City of Flint, Michigan. This 5-mile long sewer tunnel was constructed through...
Construction of Mt. Baker Ridge Tunnel
Mt. Baker Ridge Tunnel is a large diameter soft ground highway tunnel constructed through sensitive over-consolidated silts and clays. Its large diameter necessitates the construction...
Avoiding Disputes Through Better Management Techniques: A Contractor's Viewpoint
Utilizing management techniques to avoid disputes is an important function which allows resources to be focused on the project objectives. Relationships are enhanced, cost are reduced,...
Avoiding Contractor Disputes During Project Design
The New Jersey Transit Corporation is in the second phase of a billion dollar rebuilding program of its rail system. The first phase, which featured electrification and signal system replacement,...
Avoiding Disputes: The Construction Manager's View
Avoiding and minimizing contract disputes, from the construction manager's (CM) point of view, begins during the preliminary planning and design stages and continues throughout...
Proper Specifying with the Or Equal Clause
'Or Equal' product specifications are the subject of this paper and shown to be frequently involved in quite serious contract disputes. Management strategies...
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