Strong-Motion Records from Buildings
Since the establishment of the California Strong Motion Instrumentation Program in 1972, over 90 buildings have been instrumented extensively to measure their response during earthquakes....

Seismic Evaluation of a Tall Reinforced Concrete Frame Building
Accelerations at basement, fifth and tenth floor levels of a reinforced concrete apartment building were recorded during the October 1st, 1987 Whittier-Narrows earthquake. These accelerations...

Biaxial Damage Assessment
The structural system under investigation is a frame subject to seismic excitations. The analysis accounts for the spatial distribution of beams, columns and bracing system. It also considers...

The Model Cleanup
Standards for hazardous waste site cleanups may be inappropriate or inadequate to protect the public health. Civil engineers responsible for remediation decisions need to know about the...

Tension Leg Platform
a State of the Art Review
Prepared by the Task Group on Compliant Offshore Platforms of ASCE. This report considers the analysis and design of tension leg platforms (TLPs),...

Beams on Elastic Foundations: A New Approach
Using the Vlasov model, Vallabhan and Das have developed an effective iterative technique to solve the beam-on-elastic-foundation problem where the soil is assumed to have a uniform thickness...

Patterns of Erosion Along the Atlantic Coast
Shoreline erosion data are needed in the implementation of recent legislation that authorizes the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) to provide advance insurance payments for the...

Barrier Islands: Dynamic Coastal Landforms Requiring Complex Management Decisions
Barrier islands and spits are found along ten to twenty percent of the world's coastline, and are the predominant coastal landforms composing about eighty-five percent of...

Sediment Transport Processes at Sandbridge, VA
Sandbridge Beach is a primarily residential community located along a 7 km reach of narrow barrier beach. Rates of erosion in this area historically have been high, reaching as much as...

Erosion and Washover in Coastal Louisiana
In 1985 three hurricanes affected the barrier coastline (Caminada-Moreau Headland) of Louisiana. These produced severe coastal erosion and rapid washover extension. Using the 1979 U.S.G.S....

The South Carolina Coast I. Natural Processes and Erosion
The heart of South Carolina's beach erosion problem in South Carolina lies along those 26 miles of beach which are developed and are apparently experiencing more rapid erosion....

The South Carolina Coast II. Development and Beach Management
The variety of development and conservation areas is superimposed on a wide range of erosion and accretion histories. Lack of construction setbacks has contributed to the general but probably...

A Review of the South Carolina Method for Establishing Coastal Setback Lines
The location of the setback line will depend to a large extent on the nature of the shoreline. Those areas adjacent to an unstabilized tidal inlet and affected by coastal processes at...

Coastal Processes and Management Issues on Folly Island, SC: 1850-1988
Folly Island has been the subject of numerous Federal studies, recommendations, and authorized appropriations since 1935. The overall consensus of these studies is that construction of...

Selection of Marine Bioindicators for Monitoring Radioactive Wastes Released from Nuclear Power Plants
The Brazilian Nuclear Program comprises the Angra I Nuclear Power Plant, in operational tests; the Angra II Nuclear Power Plant, under construction, expected to be completed in 1992; and...

The Geographical Information System of the Brazilian Coastal Management Program
The paper discusses the coastal management program presents; and two modules which are intimately associated and integrated with the system of geoenvironment information: the Zoning and...

Sulfated Polysaccharides from Marine Invertebrates
The authors Laboratory is involved in the chemical and structural determination of sulfated polysaccharides from different sources. The main purpose of such studies is to compare these...

The Para?ba Do Sul Retrogradation and the Atafona Environmental Impact
This study is an attempt to explain the event which is presently occurring at the mouth of the Paraiba do Sul river and is causing a negative socio-economic impact on the Atafona population....

The CADD Landfill
Designing landfills with CADD, engineers have reduced cut and fill calculations from two weeks to two days. Aerial surveys arrive on magnetic tapes and are loaded into computers by in-house...

Verifying Software by Use
Terry proposes a new approach to software verification, in which computer programs would be verified each time they are used throughout the length of the project. He compares this to the...





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