Information Availability
There seems to be a great deal of concern about lack of availability of information concerning the results of failure investigations. In most court cases there is virtually no technical...

Failure Information Needs in Civil Engineering
If we are to learn from failures of engineered facilities, failure information must be in a useful form, and it must reach those who can effect improved practice. This paper discusses,...

Learning from Failures
Modern technology and innovation have created a gap between what the design drawings predict with respect to safety and serviceability of a structure and the real safety and serviceability...

Learning from Failures: Procedural Changes in the Design and Construction Process to Reduce Failures
This paper first defines failures and their number and scope in the design and construction fields. It then presents the writer's opinion as to the cause of the failures and...

Failure Investigations in Undergraduate Education
Author stresses the need for failure investigations in undergraduate education especially in Civil Engineering. The civil engineer often creates only one major project of a kind, and is...

The Resident Engineer
The author defines what resident engineers are by briefly explaining their qualifications, duties, administrative responsibilities and compensation with respect to construction projects....

The Resident Engineer?Experience and Judgment
This paper gives the author's definition of the Resident Engineer. The duties, responsibilities, qualifications and authority of the U. S. Naval officers assigned as Resident...

The Owner as Resident Engineer: A Cost-Effctive Method of Project Management
Owners have recognized that corporate profitability depends not only on the professional skills applied to plant operations but also on the cost effectiveness of plant construction and...

The Consulting Engineer's Resident Engineer on Public Works Projects
The importance to the owner, engineering firm, and construction contractor of a qualified Resident Engineer on a construction project cannot be overly emphasized. Similarly, the duties,...

The Resident Engineer?Contractor Relationship
This paper focuses on one type of contract and the relationship between the Contractor and the Resident Engineer that exists within that contract. The type of contract is where the Owner...

Liability of the Resident Engineer
This paper focuses on specific examples of resident engineer liability situations. It specifically discusses to whom the resident engineer has responsibility, why the law imposes the liability...

The WMATA Resident Engineer?The Team He Leads and His Responsibilities
This paper discusses the role of the Resident Engineer as a key member of any construction team. It uses the organization and functions as practiced at the Washington Metropolitan Area...

The Resident Engineer?A Member of the Construction Team
The paper discusses the prime concern of a resident engineer, namely, seeing to it that the structure built is in accordance with the plans and specifications and that the work is carried...

The Resident Engineer as Construction Team Member
The success of a construction project is affected by the actions of the resident engineer (RE). Good REs don't come off the street; they are developed through training and...

The Role of the V.A. Resident Engineer
The Resident Engineer plays a vital part on the Veterans Administration construction team. He serves as a hub for communications between the various members of the team as well as the...

Project Coordination Resident Engineering Costs Versus Construction Costs for New York City Department of Environmental Protection
The paper explains how the New York City Department of Environmental Protection has successfully completed a 1 billion construction program using only resident engineer inspection services....

The Resident Engineer?Staffing the Team
One of the initial actions a Resident Engineer (RE) must grapple with each time he begins a new construction project is how to staff his construction team. The balancing of the type and...

Constraints of Personnel Staffing and Funding
Staffing and project funding are discussed in this paper as they relate to the accomplishment of the construction office responsibilities for the Central Arizona Project. General staffing...

Project Administration
The paper discusses the vital issues involved for the efficient administration of a construction contract: effective communication, field office staffing, long lead procurement of equipment,...

Ensuring Quality Construction
This paper describes the US Army Corps of Engineers' efforts at procuring quality construction: 1) a three-phase approach (preparatory, initial, follow-up) was developed to...





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