Lessons Learned from First Impulse Turbine Installation in the U.S. Mining Industry
The paper discusses a research study to recover energy from service or cooling water brought into deep mines. The test site was the Luck Friday Mine, owned and operated by the Hecla Mining...

Microcomputer Control for a Small Hydroelectric Peaking Plant
Peaking plants pose a special problem for control. The new facilities are generally a very small part of a large system. Determination of the parameters necessary to run the plant to best...

Particle Sizes in Flocculation and Sedimentation: Models and Experiments
D. F. Lawler et al. developed a model for flocculation, sedimentation, and filtration and predicted the effects of particle size distribution and concentration of the influent in water...

Economics of Hydrothermal Power Development
The overall performance of a hydrothermal power plant with pumped storage is more cost effective than its competitive counterparts such as oil and gas turbine-generators. The operation...

Seasonal Hydrothermal Operating Plans
An interactive computer model is presented which provides graphical displays of alternative generation patterns for an integrated hydroelectric and thermal system. The method for analyzing...

Portland's New Water Pumping and Hydropower Station
The City of Portland, Oregon, recently placed into service a 100 mgd pumping station as a major milestone in developing a backup and emergency groundwater supply. The facility is also...

Turbine Efficiency Loss Associated with Draft Tube Aeration
Draft tube aeration is one method for improving the dissolved oxygen content of hydroelectric discharge. A simple analytical procedure is presented for estimating the loss in turbine efficiency...

Biological Evaluation of Angled Screen Test Facility
The paper presents comparisons of model and prototype measurements as a means for evaluating the ability of a physical model to reproduce a geometrically complex prototype thermal intake...

Hydrothermal Model Study of Stratified Flow in a Power Plant Cooling Water Recycle/Intake Canal: Reynolds and Densimetric Froude Number Effects
During the winter of 1983-1984, the control of frazil ice at the trash tracks using pneumatic air guns was evaluated at Danskammer Point Generating Station. This paper presents a brief...

Frazil Ice Control Using Air Guns
The design of the J. H. Campbell, Unit 3, Cooling Water Intake in the late 1970's used some new ideas and concepts in response to a strong concern for fish protection at a...

Laboratory Studies for the J. H. Campbell, Unit No. 3, Cooling Water Intake Design
A three-year study sponsored by the Empire State Electric Energy Research Corporation was conducted to determine the overall efficiency of a full-scale angled screen demonstration facility...

Biofouling Control of Water Intake Structures
Biofouling of water intakes can affect condenser performance and availability. This paper discusses four biofouling control technologies: thermal backwash, antifouling coatings, chlorination,...

Hydro Power Intake Design?Criteria and Experience
This paper briefly addresses parameters to be considered in hydro power intake designs. Included are design approaches and criteria, specific examples, and applicable references. Concerns...

Intakes for Low Head Hydro Plants
The design of hydro intakes is usually based on a desire to achieve low intake losses and an acceptable approach flow distribution to the turbine. Generally, velocities in the intake canal...

Hydraulic Study Requirements for Bulb Type Hydropower Units at a Navigation Lock and Dam
A replacement Lock and Dam at Alton, Illinois on the Mississippi River is presently under construction. This paper presents the results of studies performed for adding six bulb type hydropower...

Karnafuli Hydroelectric Project, Hydraulic Model Studies of Spillway Damage
The Karnafuli Hydroelectric Project is located in Bangladesh. On August 13, 1961, distress was noted in the spillway flow. A special Board of Consultants considered possible causes for...

Make-up and Blowdown of a Cooling Pond
A mathematical model was developed to simulate the operation of a recirculating cooling pond for a planned nuclear power plant in the Midwest. The objective of the pond operation is to...

Series Finished Water Pumping Facilities
The paper discusses studies and design of series finished water pumping facilities for the Potomac River Water Treatment Facilities. Detailed hydraulic studies were conducted which concluded...

Analysis of Resonance in Pressurized Piping Systems Via a Microcomputer
In this paper a digital simulation technique for the analysis of resonance is presented that is appropriate for microcomputer applications. The model utilizes the transfer matrix method...

Hazardous Waste Cleanup: The Preliminaries
Court-ordered negotiations rather than a trial took five years but led to a flexible plan for cleaning up an inactive hazardous waste disposal site in Niagara Falls, N.Y. Contamination...





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