Shoreline Changes Along the North Yucat?n Coast
The north Yucatan coast in the vicinity of Progreso, consisting of a multiple beach ridge barrier complex backed by a wetland-fringed lagoon, has undergone many changes since the late...

Bioengineering Methods to Establish Salt Marsh on Dredged Material
Erosion is a substantial problem on many shorelines of the Galveston Bay complex, as well as other bays of the Gulf of Mexico. Erosion can be prevented by structural measures such as riprap...

Bank Erosion at the Aransas National Wildlife Refuge
The Aransas National Wildlife Refuge has been experiencing problems with the erosion along the banks of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway. In order to prevent future erosion it is necessary...

Berm Placement Planning Study at Breton Island, Louisiana
This paper identifies tools that are being utilized to determine the most environmentally beneficial location for a nearshore berm to be constructed at Breton Island, Louisiana. The computer...

Artificial Gravel Beaches in the Coastal Protection
Gravel beaches on the Caucasian Black Sea coast are intensively eroded mainly because of man meddling in natural course of coastal processes (sediment withdrawal from beaches and river...

Longshore Sediment Transport and Radionuclide Dispersion in the Black Sea Coastal Zone
After the Chernobyl accident the studies of the longshore sediment transport in the Black Sea have got new applications connected with a marine pollution problem. The method to calculate...

New Structures Used for Protection of the Black Sea Coasts
New construction of coastal protective issues, elaborated in SIA Saknapirdatsva are described in this paper: such as two-chamber crib retaining wall, through coast grayne, hollow concrete...

The Azov-Black Sea Coast of Russia?An Experience of Artificial Beach Formation
There is a tendency in modern cost protective engineering to expand the scales of artificial beach formation. The first sandy beach was filled in 1971 in Gelendzhik Bay. In 1982 wide scale...

Specific Features of the North-Eastern Black Sea Shelf Stucture
The results of field geological-lithodynamic and geomorphological studies and the review of published data have been used to analyze the structure of the North-Eastern Black Sea coastal...

Coast Dynamics and Coast-Protective Measures on the Crimean Black Sea Coast
The main data on hydro- and lithodynamics of the Crimean Black Sea coast are presented. The principal coast-protecting measures are described as used on various coast sections. The construction...

South Coast of the Crimea: Environmental Specificity and Coast Protection Problems
Climate conditions and geological structure of the Crimean South coast are described in this paper. Morphometrical data on submerged coast slope are given. Today, out of 100 km of the...

The Specific Features of Modern Dynamics and Coast Structure of the Black Sea Within Romania
The Romanian Black Sea coasts are studied inadequately in comparison with Ukrainian, Russian, Georgian, and Bulgarian coasts. Abundant data have been collected in the Danube delta. The...

Wave Climate Studies Along the Turkish Coast of the Black Sea
Wind-generated waves produce the most powerful forces to which coastal structures are subjected. Therefore, wave information is required for the proper planning and reliable design of...

Bulgarian Coastal Management
This paper responds to the call of the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development for sustainable and economically-sound development and use of the world's natural resources....

Beach Evolution and Protection
This paper investigate the evolution of beaches and the effect of different types of protection on this process. The cross-shore and longshore sediment transport, and the different approaches...

Detached Breakwaters for Beach Protection
This paper investigates detached breakwaters for beach protection. The equilibrium beach profile, onshore-offshore transport, and longshore sediment transport are also discussed. The Nile...

Wave Diffraction Patterns Behind Detached Breakwaters
This paper presents a theoretical model to examine the wave diffraction behind detached breakwaters subjected to regular oblique waves. The method of solution is an eigenfunction expansion...

A Mathematical Model for Predicting the Motion of Polluting Surface Plumes Due to Drift Currents
The paper analyzes the problem of displacement from the offshore to the nearshore of a polluting surface plume, subject to advection generated by wind-waves and wind-currents. After a...

The Morphology of the Anglian Coast
The morphology of the Anglian coast consists of three Integrated Scale Coastal Evolution (ISCE) units. A bay, marked by the 10m bathymetric contour, extends from Flamborough in the north...

Morphology of the Southern North Sea Coast from Cape Blanc-Nez (F) to Den Helder (NL)
The southeastern North Sea coast of France, Belgium and the Netherlands (up to Den Helder) is characterized by coastal dunes, sandy beaches and a shallow, gently shoreface. In the Delta...





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