A Comprehensive Method for Capacity Analysis and Signal Timing Design
This paper presents a rational methodology which combines several of the most significant programs in the signalized intersection and traffic signal timing design are in a comprehensive...

A Practical Way of Using the 1985 HCM - Signalized Intersection Methods
The signalized intersection chapter of the 1985 Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) is probably the most widely used chapter, and thereby the most significant, and yet is very complex and sometimes...

An Expert System for the Motivation of Traffic Signals
A case study is presented describing the initiation and development of a prototype knowledge-based system for the motivation of traffic signal control, to be applied within a user-sensitive...

SIGNALEXPERT: An Expert Syste, for Signalized Intersection Analysis and Design
This paper presents a prototype expert system, (SIGNALEXPERT), for signalized intersection analysis and design. The SIGNALEXPERT consists of four modules. The first module determines if...

Model for Intersection Control Analysis (MICA)
This paper describes the Model for Intersection Control Analysis (MICA). The Intersection Control Analysis is a comprehensive investigation that compares the collected data to the signal...

Generating Collision Diagrams
The paper discusses the COLLDIAG computer program which, when working in conjunction with a powerful computer-aided drafting program (AutoCAD), can generate collision diagrams for various...

Microcomputer Traffic Records System for Accident Analysis
Over the last few years, the Illinois Department of Transportation has been developing an integrated microcomputer traffic records system designed to record and analyze accident, citation,...

ARES: an Accident Report Entry System for Local Agencies
The ARES microcomputer workstation system permits local police and engineering agencies to enter their own Michigan traffic accident reports from the statewide standard Form UD-10. The...

Implementation of HISAM/HISAFE Microcomputer Programs
The Federal Highway Administration had sponsored the development of two software packages called HISAM and HISAFE. HISAM primarily provides an alternative means to store related accident...

The Small Computer Accident Records System (SCARS)
SCARS was developed to support public agencies in Florida in their efforts to analyze traffic accident records and identify high hazard locations. It is an application of the DBASE III+...

Collection and Analysis of Speed and Delay Using Portable Microcomputers
Speed and delay studies are performed routinely on urban street networks. The data are used for a variety of transportation engineering purposes including signal timing design, roadway...

Computer-Assisted Creativity for Traffic Problems
The main objectives of this paper are to describe a system for computer-assisted creativity, or innovation support, known as The Idea Machine (TIM), and to highlight two case study applications...

Problem Identification Phase in Transportation System Management
This paper describes a diagnostic management tool - procedure PITS (Problem Identification in Transportation Systems) which classifies and priorities groups of the deficiencies, thus facilitating...

DELVACS: A Computer Program for Performance Evaluation of Low Volume Coordinated Semi-Actuated Systems
This paper presents a computer program which provides a tool for making choices between coordinated and free operation on an arterial roadway under semi-actuated control. The decision...

Microcomputer Model for Estimating LOS on Urban and Suburban Arterials
In the 1985 Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) [1], level of service (LOS) designation for urban and suburban arterials is predicted on the average travel speed by section and for the entire...

U.S. Geological Survey DLG-3 and Bureau of the Census TIGER Data: Development and GIS Applications
The U.S. Geological Survey has been actively developing digital cartographic and geographic data and standards since the early 1970's. One product is Digital Line Graph data, which offer...

Synthetic O-D Microcomputer Trip Table Packages
Three microcomputer models for synthetic estimation of origin-destination trip tables are compared based on theoretical foundations, implementability, and operating performances. Each...

World Bank's HDM-PC: A Microcomputer Aid for Road Planning and Management
HDM-PC, a microcomputer adaptation of the mainframe Highway Design and Maintenance Standards Model (HDM-III), is a powerful analytical tool for the engineering-economic evaluation of road...

Economic Analysis of Local Highway Maintenance
This paper presents a computer program which uses the present worth of life-cycle costs as a basis to select the most cost-effective maintenance strategy to apply to local highway pavements....

A Microcomputer Based Pavement Design Program
This paper describes a newly developed pavement design program. The performance of a number of pavement structures are projected over the analysis period. Structurally adequate designs...





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