A Semi-Discrete Element Approach to the River Ice Breakup and Jamming Process
A semi-discrete element approach was developed to simulate the whole river ice breakup and jamming process. In this approach, ice mass is treated as discrete elements, and the movement...

Adaptive Control of Unavoidable Hazardous Releases
This paper presents a procedure for the adaptive control of hazardous releases of toxic substances. In particular, the control strategy is aimed at deliberate releases from man-made storage...

Mechanism of Air Entrainment in Spillway Aerators
The mechanism of air entrainment in the Nappe over spillway aerators was investigated. Turbulence was identified as the main agent for aeration. It was found that Nappe underpressure influences...

Simulation of Rapid Reservoir Drawdown for Flood Control, Cowlitz Falls Project
The Cowlitz Falls Dam is a run-of-river project, currently under construction on the Cowlitz River in Washington State, 23 Km downstream from the town of Randle. The requirements for reservoir...

Performance of Prototype Aerating Weirs Downstream From TVA Hydropower Dams
TVA has constructed aerating weirs below certain of its hydropower dams to (1) increase tailwater dissolved oxygen (DO) content during generation, and (2) improve minimum flows between...

Watershed Erosion
Scientific agricultural planning requires knowledge of the relations between soil and water that cause soil loss, and of the procedure to reduce such losses on cropland. This paper presents...

Sediment Yields from a Watershed in Taiwan
Characteristics of suspended sediment load were investigated for Shih-Men Reservoir watershed in Taiwan. Results of the investigation showed that annual suspended sediment load was correlated...

Flow Patterns in Constructed Wetlands
Wetland water flow is sensitive to evapotranspiration and rainfall, and to the internal configuration of substrates and biota. All wetlands are subject to significant dead zones and bypassing....

Fundamental Principles of Tidal Wetland Restoration
Recognition of the vital role of tidal wetlands for sustaining migratory bird life, for indigenous animal habitat, and for the fishery of contiguous waters has stimulated efforts to restore...

Integrated Description of Wetland Hydrology and Ecology by Mathematical Models
The agricultural utilization of the natural zone between the terrestrial and the aquatic system has reduced these important bufferzones in the last 30 years. The use of wetlands as nutrient...

Structural and Ice Effects on Salt Water Marsh Hydrology
This study focussed on a New England salt water marsh in which the construction of two drainage structures (culverts) have significantly affected the marsh hydraulics. The result is the...

Research Needs in Hydraulic Engineering
The information presented herein has barely dented the surface of the needs for hydraulic research, and of the methods required to obtain funding for that research. The responses and reports...

Is There a Future for Desalting in Meeting California's Water Needs?
This paper addresses the potential role of desalting reclaimed, brackish, and sea waters for use in meeting California's water needs. Brief descriptions of sources and costs are included....

Coping with Agricultural Shortages
Coping with agricultural shortages occupies most of the time and energy of the Kern County Water Agency (Agency). The Agency's participation in the State Water Project (SWP) originated...

Economic Costs to the State Water Project of Environmental Protection and Mitigation Measures
The State Water Project stores water in the Sierra Nevada for subsequent diversion from the Bay and Delta for use by millions of Californians. Project construction and operation have caused...

Designing Self-Cleaning Wet Wells for Wastewater Pumping
Guidelines for the design of self-cleaning wet wells for variable speed pumps are given. The progress of research on the design of wet wells for constant speed pumps, including submersible...

Real Time Forecast of Landfill Leachate Flow
A computer model was written to describe the generation of landfill leachate due to large precipitation events. The landfill is described as a multi-layer system, each layer having its...

Nonlinear Flow in Embankments
For a large number of water resources projects, the Dupuit-Forchheimer (D-F) assumption is considered a viable design criterion and, consequently, Darcy law is used to determine the locus...

Modeling Ground Water Mounding in a Heterogeneous Unconfined Aquifer
A numerical, potential flow solution for the flow pattern and water table elevation due to recharge in unconfined, heterogeneous aquifers has been developed using boundary, conforming...

The Coyote Dam Outlet Works Replacement Project: Hazard Reduction
The Santa Clara Valley Water District's Coyote Dam faced three major concerns: siltation of the existing outlet; a fault that crosses the existing outlet pipe; and the dam toe and the...





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