Modeling Effects of Toxicants on Aquatic Systems
Potential effects of chemicals on biomass production in aquatic systems are extrapolated from laboratory toxicological assays. The extrapolation requires that the effect of acute toxicity...

Cost-Effective Water Quality Management and Risks
Environmental regulations typically specify applicable streamflow conditions for compliance with water quality standards. The level of streamflow specified is one of the most significant...

Risk Analysis in Water Quality Control
Design of facilities for the control of water quality is usually predicated upon some explicit expectation of performance. In reality, unit operation efficiency, system operation, model...

Decision Analysis of Coal Ash Disposal Technology
Coal-fired power plants produce a number of solid waste streams in the course of their operation. These coal combustion by-products (CCBPs) are composed of fly ash, bottom ash and boiler...

Predicting Ground-Water Drainage to Surface Mines
A two-dimensional, finite-difference numerical model is used to simulate the drainage of ground water into a surface coal mine. Graphs of dimensionless head as a function of dimensionless...

Detention Pond Outlet Design for Pollution Control
Stormwater runoff detention ponds were originally developed for the control of flooding and the designs of the outlet control structure must be modified to obtain pollution control objectives....

Realistic Hydrology for Basin Management
Several realistic yet simple methods to describe infiltration, soil moisture redistribution, aquifer recharge, canal seepage and stream-aquifer interaction in a river basin are presented...

Modeling Analysis for Management of Artificial Recharge
The objective of these groundwater and sediment modeling studies is to determine the net change in storage and potentiometric levels within the Bunker Hill Groundwater Basin resulting...

Leaching Analysis of Coal Mine Spoil Material
Arch Mineral Corporation has conducted a column leaching study to analyze the leaching characteristics of surface coal mine spoil material in order to predict post-mining groundwater quality....

Artificially Varied Flow: River System Management
Some of the major water quality problems are heat, color, organic sediment, and total dissolved solids. To dilute these and other pollutants, substantial augmentation of flows for water...

Reservoir Management for Improved Water Quality
In 1981, the City of Akron, Ohio initiated a multidisciplinary study to develop a reservoir management plan for its 3 reservoirs in the upper Cuyahoga River basin. The City sought possible...

Effects of Resource Development on Water Quality in the Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area, Tennessee and Kentucky
The South Fork Cumberland River begins in Tennessee at the confluence of the New River and Clear Fork. Strip mining for coal in the New River basin has been ongoing for decades with little...

Saline Water Disposal from a Coal Bed Methane Recovery Well Field
A conceptual engineering approach for low cost management of production water from coal bed methane recovery wells is presented. The approach is applicable for production water that contains...

Development of Toxic Screening Models for Surface Water Supplies
A major interest of the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency has been the assessment or ranking of vulnerable water utilities. Until recently, no techniques have been available that quantitatively...

Water Supply Supplemented by Airport Storm Runoff
The quality of natural and induced storm water runoff from Oahu's Honolulu International Airport (HIA) and four outer island airports in Hawaii was evaluated for water supply...

Economics and Groundwater
The increasing use of groundwater has resulted in greater lifts, and coupled with increased energy costs is focusing more attention on the economics of groundwater use. The proceedings...

Disinfecting with Ultraviolet Radiation
The benefits of disinfecting treated effluent to meet discharge permits with ultraviolet radiation instead of ozone or chlorine are that it does not produce toxic chemical residuals like...

EPA's New Land Disposal Rules�A Closer Look
Despite some initial enthusiasm for the new EPA regulations on land disposal of hazardous waste, many critics are now expressing concern for the long-term environmental impact. The dependence...

Arizona's Water Strategy: Bring More In and Restrict Its Use
Decades of pumping groundwater faster than the natural rate of replenishment have lowered Arizona's water table to record depths and caused land subsidence and fissures. The...

Coastal Zone '83
Interdisciplinary information and viewpoints on coastal zone management and ocean resources issues related to use, protection, and development are presented. Topics include improved jurisdiction...





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