A Transformation Technique to Generate a Shallow-Water Directional Wave Climate
The shallow-water wave data must be computed as to be representative of a sufficient length of coast to be useful for most projects, while sufficiently large to filter out many spurious...
Improvement and Construction of Coastal Fishing Grounds in Japan
Development of coastal fishery has become one of the most important issue in the field of food supply. Basically, in order to promote coastal fishery, it is necessary to increase marine...
Roles of Fishing Ports in Local Areas of Japan
In Japan, the utilization of the sea especially in coastal zone has been increased and this tendency will continue in future, because activities on the coastal zone in local areas will...
The Redevelopment of Fisherman's Wharf, San Francisco, California
The San Francisco Port Commission is desirous to upgrade the wharf area to revitalize the fishing fleet. The key element for such redevelopment would be a breakwater to protect the berthing...
Fisheries Planning for Northern Territory, Australia
On behalf of Northern Territory Government the consultants have studied the potential for development and reviewed the present infrastructure. Opportunities as well as constraints to development...
An Endangered Species' Impact on Port Development
The presence of an endangered species within a port complex presents numerous, often conflicting, management challenges - protection of an endangered species while accommodating economic...
Anadromous Fish Impacts at Proposed Hydroelectric Plants
This paper describes a series of field techniques successfully used by the authors to determine a minimum flow downstream of hydroelectric plants. The minimum flow of water required for...
Zooplankton Entrainment Evaluation in a Power Plant Station
The impact study on the Setubal thermal plant included an evaluation of the plant's effects on zooplankton in the outlet area. After entrainment in the cooling system there...
The Review of the Comprehensive Survey of the Coastal Zone of China
The purpose of the survey is to provide basic data for coastal zone development of China. The scope of survey is a long narrow belt area alongshore. The contents of the survey include...
On the Implementation of the Coastal Law
The 3rd draft of the Regulation for the Coastal Zone Management of Jiangsu Province has been worked out and is being examined by the Provincial People's Government. The coastal...
A Preliminary Study on the Comprehensive Exploitation of Coast Zone Resources in the Southern Fujian
The Pacific tidal wave intrudes the South China Sea through the Bass Strait and travels northward as an 'upgoing wave' to Taiwan Strait affecting the Southern...
Modern and Historic Mapping of Tidal Marshlands of San Francisco Bay, California
In this work, studies were made of two marshland sites shown on the old maps that presently remain subject to tidal action. For each site, historic maps dating from the 1850's were accurately...
Quantifying Florida's Coastal Storm Wave Susceptibility
A simple computer model capable of describing potential storm wave inundation and damage along Florida's sandy beaches is described from first principles. Model STORMWAVE...
Henderson Marsh Mitigation Agreement
The Henderson Marsh Mitigation Agreement is a legal document entered into by the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW), and the Weyerhauser...
Litigating the Invisible Boundaries of Tidelands and Wetlands
The author urges uniformity in standards for establishing the two invisible lines that are dominant in coastal law, i. e. , the main high water line and the wetlands line. A high degree...
Beneficial Use of Municipal Sewage in the Ocean
When sewage sludges and effluents are introduced in a properly controlled manner, they can be of benefit to large areas of the ocean. For example, benthic biomass and growth rates of commercially-valuable...
Coral Reef Modeling: Key Largo Case Study
A numerical model called CORALSIM has been developed for the Key Largo Coral Reef National Marine Sanctuary in the Florida Keys. The model was developed as a management tool to study the...
Monitoring Environmental Impacts from Waste Disposal in the Deep Ocean
Deep ocean sites are presently being considered for the permanent disposal of wastes. Their environmental acceptability can only be assessed by an efficient and effective monitoring plan....
Effect of Ocean Setback Standards on the Location of Permanent Structures
A measure of the degree of safety from long-term erosion can be estimated by comparing the actual distance an owner chooses to locate landward of the required setback with the estimated...
Hurricane Diana: Impact on Coastal Development
Hurricane Diana affected the coast of North Carolina during the period of September 11-14, 1984. Builders, designers, building officials and insurance adjusters responded to a written...
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