Equilibrium Beach Profiles: Prediction of Coastal Erosion Due to Severe Storms
This paper describes a method that calculates coastal erosion due to severe storms. The equilibrium beach profile concept used in this study was developed by Swart. The agreement between...
Hypsometry as a Tool for Calculating Coastal Submergence Rates
A contemporary rise in relative sea level is slowly submerging the outwash plain which lies behind Long Island's barrier beaches. While relative sea level change rates vary...
Sea Level Rise and Wetland Loss
Increasing concentrations of carbon dioxide and other gases are expected to raise global temperatures several degrees in the next century. Such a global warming could raise sea level a...
Longterm Changes of Tidal Regime in the German Bight (North Sea)
Sea level changes are caused by astronomical tides (periodical changes), meteorological, geological and oceanographical conditions, vertical movements of the earth's crust...
Conservation of Marine and Estuarine Areas in a Federal System
The 1982 United Nations Law of the Sea (LOS) Convention of customary international law now provide coastal nations like the United States and Australia with a 200-mile Exclusive Economic...
Myrtle Beach, S.C. A Shorefront Management Plan
The primary objectives of the Myrtle Beach, South Carolina Shorefront Management Plan were to minimize, if not eliminate, the need for structural beach erosion control measures along the...
Use of Private Legal Actions to Protect Beaches
In response to shoreline migration, private oceanfront landowners often erect shoreline erosion control structures such as groins and bulkheads. These structures may exacerbate erosion...
Coastal Erosion Control
The basic aim of the land-use approach in coastal erosion management is to minimise, and in some instances avoid, the erosion hazard through regulation of the amount of investment at risk....
Vanishing Beaches: Erosion Control & Public Policy
Currents, often remotely situated, divert the littoral supply which normally ensures a positive balance among factors preserving natural beach configurations. Artificial structures such...
Discharge Zone Classification System for Southern Puget Sound
This paper identifies marine areas where new or expanded discharges are unacceptable based on existing knowledge; e. g. , water quality standards are currently not met, and impairment...
Priorities for Federal Marine Pollution Research
To provide guidance for the national marine pollution research and monitoring program, a workshop was held recently to identify and assign priorities to the marine pollution issues facing...
More on Japan's Inland Sea Coastal Citizen Movements
In this paper, an attempt is made to update the information on the three coastal citizen movements in the Seto Inland Sea region of Japan that were prsented by this author at CZ'83,...
Touring and Development of the Coastal Area: The Touristic Duality of the Senegalese Small Coast
The 'Small coast' stretches from Bargny (South of Dakar) to the Sangomar Cape on more than 100 km. It is a low and sandy coast. Made of large muddy areas and...
The World's First Hydrorama
The concept of HYDRORAMA exceeds conventional museum-like operations. It includes hotel/motel accommodation, academic courses organized by world-round university sources, permanent expositions...
Funding for Shore Protection: New Jersey's Approach
The history of shore protection funding in New Jersey is rather bleak. From 1959 to 1980, a total of 56,810,080 was spent on beach restoration. Of that total, 27,084,768 came from the...
Local Financing for Beach Nourishment at Captiva Island, Florida
About 200 miles of the 780 miles of recreational beach in Florida are in a critical state of erosion. Local financing of beach restoration offers a viable funding alternative for communities...
Effects of Dune Stabilization in North Carolina
This study analyzes changes occurring between 1937 and 1977 in the beach/dune complex along the Outer Banks of North Carolina due to the construction of a barrier dune system. Data for...
Coastal and Ocean Resources for Energy Development
There has been a growing interest in renewable alternative sources of energy. An increasing effort is being directed towards the problem of extracting energy from the world's...
Nonlinear Deformation and Bispectral Change of Random Gravity Waves on Sloping Bed
A WKB-perturbation method is applied to the deformation of random gravity waves in water of slowly varying depth. In the present analysis, a spectral representation of WKB-type is assumed...
Wave Beach Interaction
This paper gives a derivation of the modification factors of wave amplitudes due to the effect of pure shoaling, friction, percolation and their combined effect. The resulting expressions...
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