Plunge-Pool Aeration Due to Inclined Jets
The present study quantifies how jet height and nozzle inclination angle and diameter affect the rate of air entrained by inclined circular jets. An air-collection hood and a vacuum pump...

Bed Sediments Size Changes, Atchafalaya River
During low flows of 1989 and 1991, we collected bed sediment samples from the thalwegs of the Mississippi River from Cairo, Illinois, to Head of Passes and along the Atchafalaya River...

A Study of Lateral Bed Slopes Developed at Bend
A study was conducted to compare seven actual cross section profiles of Philip Bayou Realignment with the lateral bed slopes estimated from the model derived by Ikeda titled `Sediment...

Effect of Grain Size on Sediment Transport Calculations
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is currently developing a `Hydraulic Design Package for Flood Control Channels' (SAM). SAM is capable of computing sediment rating curves and stable channel...

Nonuniform Transient Sediment Transport Modeling
A numerical model based on Lai's (1991) multimode scheme for fully coupled simulation of water and sediment movement in mobile-bed alluvial channels with nonuniform bed materials has been...

Top Width of Pier Scour Holes in Free and Pressure Flow
The maximum top width of the local scour holes at piers is shown to be a simple function of the scour depth and the angle of repose of the bed material in water. Knowledge of the top width...

Preliminary Studies of Pressure Flow Scour
Bridges that become inundated during floods have slightly pressurized flow that impacts bridge piers and creates an aggravated scour condition. Results of two preliminary laboratory studies...

Operational and Structural Optimisation of Hydraulic Structures for Light Liquid Removal
The removal efficiency of light liquid separation schemes is determined by the hydraulic inflow conditions, the inflow fluid properties and the separator hydraulics. The relating set of...

Observations of Artificial Destratification
Artificial destratification using bubble plumes is one means whereby low dissolved oxygen in the hypolimnion of lakes and reservoirs may be averted. Temperature and DO were measured at...

Erosion Protection at Hydraulic Structures: A Report From the Task Committee
In 1991 the ASCE Hydraulics Structures Committee formed a task committee on Erosion Protection at Hydraulic Structures. The purpose of the committee is to determine current practices in...

n Values for Shallow Flow in Rough Channels
Manning's friction factor n has been developed from flume data for very shallow open channel flow in a high-gradient channel with large bed material. n values are presented as a function...

An Assessment of Fish Entrainment and Impingement Potential for an Offshore Cooling Water Intake in a Tropical Bay
Fish entrainment and impingement potential were assessed for a proposed cogeneration facility on the west coast of Puerto Rico that will withdraw cooling water using offshore intake structures....

Using a Numerical Model to Evaluate Striped Bass Management Scenarios in the Sacremento-San Joaquin Delta, California
Since the mid-1970's, the striped bass, Morone saxatilus, population in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California has been declining. The primary suspected cause of the decline is associated...

Numerical Models of Phytoplankton Dynamics for Shallow Estuaries
The relationship between physical processes and phytoplankton population dynamics in coastal ocean waters is a complicated issue largely because of the shallowness of the water column,...

Supply of Large Woody Debris in a Stream Channel
The amount of large woody debris that potentially could be transported to bridge sites was assessed in the basin of the West Harpeth River in Tennessee in the fall of 1992. The assessment...

Calibration of Manning's Roughness for a River Reach
The Albuquerque Projects Office of the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation collected water surface elevations for measured discharges for the Rio Grande and many of its tributaries to try to obtain...

Numerical Solution of Transient Closed-Conduit Flow Equations by the Method of Lines Along Characteristics
The method of characteristics has long been considered as a natural technique for solving transient closed-conduit problems. In this paper, by using the concept of the method of lines,...

Fluid Mechanics Aspects of Ocean Outfalls
Prediction of the environmental effects of ocean outfalls requires understanding of some complex fluid mechanical phenomena. These include the dynamics of merging plumes in flowing, density-stratified...

A 2-D Lake Model with Artificial Destratification
Artificial destratification of lakes and reservoirs is used to influence a variety of water quality parameters. It relies on localized, vertical mixing of the water column and the subsequent...

Stratification Models Sensitivity to Solar Radiation Data
A one-dimensional water quality model (WESTEX model) for simulation of thermal stratification is used to test the performance of such models related to hydrometeorological input data....





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