Natural Resource Problem Solving: an Interdisciplinary Approach in Coastal Louisiana
Ecological issues such as coastal wetland loss cannot be adequately addressed by experts in any one particular discipline. After extensive consultation with wetland users and regulators,...

Status of Contamination in the Coastal United States as Revealed from NS&T Analyses of Surface Sediments
Sediment samples have been collected from more than 300 sites along the coasts of the U.S. since 1984 as part of NOAA's National Status and Trends (NS&T) Program. These samples...

The NS&T Intensive Bioeffects Surveys: Design Strategies and Preliminary Results
Intensive bioeffects surveys are conducted in selected areas where chemical data from the National Status and Trends (NS&T) Program indicate greatest potential for contaminant-related...

Argentine Deltas Morphology
Only two deltas are located along the Argentine coast, both of them at Buenos Aires state. The northern one is the Parana Delta at the Rio de La Plata estuary (34.99' Lat. Sur) and the...

Are Landscape Patterns Related to Marsh Loss Processes?
Marsh loss that occurs in Louisiana is seldom associated with shoreline erosion of lakes and bayous; instead, marshes break up internally. Marsh loss is attributed to processes that stress...

Production and Decomposition of Spartina patens in a Degrading Coastal Marsh
Production and decomposition rates were calculated for Spartina patens in a mesohaline coastal marsh in Louisiana. Production was estimated to be 800 g m-2 ur-1 during 1991 and 1,696 g...

Crevasses on the Lower Course of the Mississippi River
Before construction of artificial levees, crevasses were a common event along the Mississippi River. They directed sediment out of the main channel and reduced flood stage down river....

Performance of Three Adjacent but Different Beach Nourishment Projects, Pinellas County, Florida
More than 25 million dollars have been spent on three adjacent nourishment projects extending along 10 miles (16 km) of central Pinellas Country on the Gulf Coat of Florida. The three...

Holocene Sedimentation and Coastal Wetlands Response to Rising Sea Level at the Aucilla River Mouth, a Low Energy Coast in the Big Bend Area of Florida
The shallow dip of the Florida carbonate platform results in low wave energy on Florida Big Bend coasts. Therefore sedimentation is dominated by river-and tidal-hydrodynamics near the...

Streambank Inventory and Protection Soldotna Reach, Kenai River, Alaska
This paper discusses bank conditions found along the Kenai River within the city of Soldotna in Alaska. River banks were inventoried in May 1990 by USDA Soil Conservation Service (SCS)...

Plant Establishment Enhancement Technique for Shoreline Stabilization and Protection
Once established, vegetation is capable of significantly reducing erosion along streams, rivers, bays, sounds and other tidal shorelines. In the last 15 years, many attempts to establish...

Washington State Coastal Erosion Management Strategy
The shores of Washington's inland coast - Puget Sound - undergo chronic and episodic erosion and landsliding. The problem is not nearly so great here as elsewhere in the U.S.A., but what...

Recovery of Shoreline Ecosystems Following the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill and Subsequent Treatment
High-pressure, hot-water washing was evaluated as one of several countermeasures for cleaning oiled shorelines. This was the primary treatment method for nearly all treated shorelines...

A Workstation for the Extraction of Coastline from Digital Imagery
The delineation of coastline has primarily been a manual tracing exercise from various forms of imagery. In this paper, a process to extract shoreline automatically from digital imagery...

Evaluation of Dissolved Oxygen and Nutrient Trends in the Houston Ship Channel from Historical Statewide Monitoring Data
Dissolved oxygen and selected nutrient trends in the Houston Ship Channels (Texas Water Commission (TWC) segments 1007, 1006 and 1005) during the period of 1969 through 1990 were evaluated...

Nekton Use of Salt Marshes of the Southeast Region of the United States
Published studies of nekton in salt marshes of the Southeast Region of the U.S. were reviewed to identify fish and decapod crustaceans associated with marsh-surface habitats, to describe...

Watershed Effects on the Value of Marshes to Fisheries
Watershed size and rainfall patterns are among the factors that influence the extent to which fishery species use estuarine marshes as nurseries. We examined three Texas bays with different...

Effects of Estuarine Habitat Quality on Juvenile Salmon: I. Chemical Contaminant Exposure and II. Altered Growth and Immune Function
Some urban estuaries on the west coast of the US are important habitats for several species of juvenile salmon and receive multiple stresses from human activities. Because these estuaries...

State Implementation and Enforcement of the Alaska Coastal Management Program
Section 306 the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1992 required participating states to develop a means to implement and enforce their coastal programs. The Alaska Coastal Management Act,...

The Value of the Federal Oil/Gas OCS and Its Required Nexus with the Changing Perceived Quality of Rights
A particular few of thousands of hardly distinguishable and certainly previously undistinguished Federal OCS oil/gas tracts can suddenly become prizes of great value. Vice versa, prized...





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