Groundwater Recovery Program for Southern California
Under its new Groundwater Recovery Program (GRP), The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California will improve regional water supply reliability by providing financial assistance...

Development of the San Fernando Basin Groundwater Flow Model
This paper describes the development and calibration of the San Fernando Basin (SFB) groundwater flow model. The SFB is the largest groundwater basin in the Upper Los Angeles River Area...

Hydrologic Investigation of the April, 1983 Flooding in New Orleans, Louisiana
During the rainstorm of April 6-7, 1983, a shell ramp was constructed over State Highway 406, closing the relatively shallow depression formed by the roadway passing over the levee which...

Assessment of Derived Flood Frequency Distributions
Derived flood frequency distributions based on the geomorphologic IUH are evaluated in this work. Two existing approaches, the methods of Hebson and Wood (1982) and Diaz-Granados et al....

Critical Public Issues for Well Head Protection
New Jersey adopted in 1991 a Well Head Protection Program Plan to provide added safeguards to water supply wells. Through extensive public participation efforts the Department of Environmental...

Interfacing with the Public on Water-Related Issues?What TVA is Doing
Management of the water resources of the Tennessee River Basin has been a primary responsibility of the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) since its creation almost 60 years ago. In the...

Extended Experience with a Short-Term Hydropower Scheduling Model in New England
The New England Power Exchange (NEPEX) is responsible for the central dispatch of power throughout New England. To assure the maximum benefits of power pooling, the electric facilities...

Planning and Operation of a Multi-Reservoir Water Distribution System
A water supply distribution system planning model (DSPM) is developed using a directed graph algorithm as its pre- and post-processors and a linear programming (LP) procedure as an `intelligent'...

The 1991 Revolution in Water Management
A revolution in water management took place in California in 1991, the fifth consecutive year of drought. Deliveries from California's major water projects in 1991 were reduced 70 to 100...

Alternative Methods of Drainage Management in San Joaquin Valley, California
The subsurface drainage and drainage-related problems in the San Joaquin Valley cost millions of dollars to the State and local economy every year. A number of actions have been proposed...

Habitat Simulation in United States, Britain, and France
The need to identify an instream flow requirement for water resources management exists in a number of countries. The use of habitat simulation in the United States, Great Britain, and...

Are High and Low Flow Habitat Values Really the Same?
The Instream Flow Incremental Methodology calculates physical habitat as a weighted sum. Suitability of use information for each modeled species and life stage are used to weight each...

The Changing Alliance Between Navigational and Environmental Interests in the ACF Basin
Structural modifications imposed on the Apalachi-cola River for navigation, their environmental impacts and government actions to address these impacts are reviewed. Past structural modifications...

Indicator Variography for Spatial Characterization of Aquifer Heterogeneities
The qualitative information or soft data from lithologic descriptions is processed using a state-of-the-art geostatistical approach to delineate, with quantified uncertainty, the extent...

Managing Water Supply with Aquifer Storage and Recovery
The City of Chesapeake, located in the Hampton Roads area of Virginia, is experiencing a rapid growth in population which translates into an increased demand for water, particularly during...

Wetland Restoration and Creation Guidelines for Mitigation
The majority of wetland mitigation projects built in the U.S. are failures. Reasons for failure include poor siting, improper design (including inadequate baseline data collection), inadequate...

Assessing the Reliability of the Water Supply to a Closed Basin Wetlands
In many reports, it has been predicted that the loss of the Cheyenne Bottoms as a wetlands area would have an adverse effect on a great deal of the North American migratory shore bird...

Implementation of the NPDES Storm Water Regulations by Municipalities in the San Francisco Bay Area
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) final rule for storm water discharge regulation under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) requires municipalities...

Jefferson Parish Storm Water Management
Jefferson Parish has been identified as an urban area requiring a municipal storm water NPDES permit. Jefferson is now in the progress of completing its Part 1 permit applications and...

Calibration and Validation of the Storm Water Management Model to the Providence Area Combined Sewer System
This paper exemplifies the calibration and validation of the EPA Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) to one drainage area within the Providence (RI) area combined sewer overflow system....





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