Infrastructure Condition Forecasting Using Neural Networks
Condition forecasting models are critical components of any infrastructure management system. infrastructure condition assessed through periodic inspections which assign ratings to various...

Inspection and M&R Decisions for Infrastructure
This paper reviews different possible mathematical formulations for a joint inspection and M&R decision-making model, having various levels of restriction and computational complexity....

Pavement Network Level Management Using Micro PAVER
This paper presents pavement network level management using Micro PAVER with emphasis on pavement condition prediction modeling and annual and long range work planning....

An Overview of Markovian Models for Bridge Management Systems
The typical infrastructure maintenance decision-making environment involves multiples objectives, uncertainty, and dynamics of the most commonly used infrastructure models, which captures...

Deterioration Models for Highway Bridges
Infrastructure management, especially in case of highway bridges, need a realistic and effective deterioration model in order to provide information on the present and future condition...

The Finnish Bridge Management System
A computer-based Bridge Management system, BMS, was designed in Finland by the Finish National Road Administration (FinnRA) to assist in high level bridge policy, long-term planning and...

Infrastructure Planning in Beirut, Lebanon
This paper presents a comprehensive framework for structuring the decision process of planning for transportation infrastructure rehabilitation and development in the city of Beirut, Lebanon....

Identifying a New Role of the Future Planner
It has been amply demonstrated over the last three decades that public planning is subject to great uncertainties, both in dealing with new technologies as well as in dealing with fuzzy...

Projecting Land Use/Transportation Interactions
The inherent uncertainty in forecasting the interaction between transportation capacity and induced development has resulted in insufficient analysis of this dynamic in the transportation...

Digital Imaging as a Design Tool
On most engineering projects, schematic drawings offer a technical representation of a structure to clients. For staff or the public who are not technically knowledgeable, though, schematics...

A Short-Term Demand Forecasting Model from Real-Time Traffic Data
Developing real-time traffic diversion strategies is a major issue of Advance Traffic Management Systems (ATMS), a component of Intelligent Vehicle Highway Systems(IVHS). Traffic diversions...

Use of Fuzzy Theory for Dealing with Uncertainty: Evaluating Alternatives Under Uncertainty
A method to deal with uncertainty which is associated with vagueness and ambiguity is presented. Fuzzy sets are introduced to account for vagueness in expression and fuzzy measure is introduced...

A Combined Noise Model for HSGT Traffic
Environmental concerns are high on the list of possible problem areas for proposed high speed ground transportation (HSGT) systems. A Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Highway Traffic...

Medium Classic Rail Traffic: How to Forecast the New High Speed Rail Traffic
This paper describes the current situation of the transport flows by modes in the international relations between Spain and the rest of Europe. Explains the geographic zoning adopted for...

Intercity Travel Demand Modeling and Forecasting for High Speed Rail Service in the Quebec-Ontario Corridor
This paper describes the application of intercity travel demand models and preparation of ridership and revenue forecasts for the Ontario/Quebec Rapid Train Task Force in 1990. The development...

Intercity Travel Demand Forecasting for the Windsor-Quebec City Corridor
Travel demand forecasts were required for the 600-mile-long Quebec City - Windsor Canada Corridor to test alternative rail systems including high speed rail. The approach involved application...

Assumptions Behind Ridership Forecasts for High Speed Ground Transportation Systems and Their Validity: The California-Nevada Case Study
Accurate prediction of ridership is one of the key elements for approval of any transit project and eventually for survival after the system begins operation. This is particularly true...

Development of Simulation and Cost Models to Compare HSR and Maglev Systems
Both high-speed rail (HSR) and magnetically levitated systems offer comfortable and safe ground transportation at high speed. The cost structure and performance of these systems and their...

The Megabight Barrier / Maglev Way?Innovative Siting of High Speed Ground Transportation...Offshore
Air and road traffic congestion around cities, e.g., in the BOSWASH corridor, can be reduced by high speed rail systems. But high speed trains on elevated rails/guideways encounter extra...

High Speed Rail Loading Scenario and Dynamic Tuning of Track
Similarities and differences exist between conventional and high speed rail (HSR) infrastructure design. The differences stem from the dynamic nature of the HSR loading scenario and the...





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