Calibration of Manning's Roughness for a River Reach
The Albuquerque Projects Office of the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation collected water surface elevations for measured discharges for the Rio Grande and many of its tributaries to try to obtain...

Numerical Solution of Transient Closed-Conduit Flow Equations by the Method of Lines Along Characteristics
The method of characteristics has long been considered as a natural technique for solving transient closed-conduit problems. In this paper, by using the concept of the method of lines,...

Fluid Mechanics Aspects of Ocean Outfalls
Prediction of the environmental effects of ocean outfalls requires understanding of some complex fluid mechanical phenomena. These include the dynamics of merging plumes in flowing, density-stratified...

A 2-D Lake Model with Artificial Destratification
Artificial destratification of lakes and reservoirs is used to influence a variety of water quality parameters. It relies on localized, vertical mixing of the water column and the subsequent...

Stratification Models Sensitivity to Solar Radiation Data
A one-dimensional water quality model (WESTEX model) for simulation of thermal stratification is used to test the performance of such models related to hydrometeorological input data....

Multi Objective Detention Outlet Control Structure
Increasing numbers of stormwater management ponds are being included in the design of urban and rural drainage projects. This is in part due to the environmental outcry to clean up our...

General Implicit Representation of Hydraulic Structures in Numerical Flow Models
Effects of hydraulic structures (such as culverts, bridge openings, or gates) can be simulated in numerical surface-water-flow models. Generally the scale and dimension of the numerical...

Laplace Valve Stroking to Control Water Hammer
The method of Laplace valve stroking to control water hammer is presented. Attention is directed to the most frequently encountered of the simple systems: a single pipe originating at...

Management of Rice Fields for Wetlands, Water, and Rice Production
The feasibility of managing a portion of the Sacramento Valley's rice fields as wetlands for waterfowl use, storage, and aid in rice straw decomposition was evaluated. Approximately 95%...

Modeling the Impacts of Plankton Entrainment in a Tropical Bay
As part of the permitting for a coal-fired power plant, several enhancements were made to the two-dimensional flow and transport models TEA and ELA that allowed for the quantification...

Fractal Dimension of Aggregated Sediments
Cohesive sediment dynamics in estuarine systems are strongly affected by particle aggregation and flocculation. These processes are mainly controlled by the Brownian motion, flow turbulence...

Mass Transport in Mud Layer Induced by Wave Action
This paper analyzes the mass transport velocity in a two layers system produced by wave action. In a previous paper, Piedra Cueva (1933), a theory for linear water waves propagating in...

Model Technology for Estimating Storm-Induced Currents
This paper demonstrates the application of the one-dimensional shallow-water equation model DYNLETI at Brunswick Harbor, Georgia to simulate storm-induced velocities precisely at a bridge...

Indian River Inlet: Is There a Solution?
Man-made changes at Indian River inlet, Delaware, have occurred over the past 6 decades. During this period the tidal prism of the Indian River-Rehoboth Bays system has increased along...

Bridge Hydraulic Design in Tidal Situations
The analysis of bridge hydraulics and scour potential in tidal waters, in comparison with inland rivers, requires consideration of various additional factors. This paper condenses a simplistic...

McCormick Bridge Scour Evaluation?A Case Study of a Tidal Bridge
Although the Federal Highway Authority has implemented procedures for bridge scour analysis in their HEC-18 publication, they do not indicate a procedure for scour depth determination...

Halloween Wave Transformation Near Virginia Coast
The Halloween Northeaster of October 29-31, 1991 generated a unique severe sea. The storm waves propagated through two wave stations which are 87 km apart. The wave spectra of the storm...

Use of Floodplain PCB Concentrations to Calibrate a River Hydraulics Model
A river floodplain was found to contain measurable quantities of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), presumably deposited during historic flood events. A hydraulic model (HEC-2) was used...

Hydraulic Aspects of a Low-Velocity, Inclined Fish Screen
The Potter Valley Hydroelectric Project diverts up to 310 cfs from Van Arsdale Reservoir on the Eel River in north-central California and delivers it to Potter Valley for power production...

A Method of Managing Floating Debris
The device described offers a promising approach to a new method of managing floating debris. It modifies the surface flow of water from a submerged location. The modified flow reduces...





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