Dune Erosion Management: a Cost Benefit Analysis
A method is presented and illustrated to establish economically justifiable coastal protection measures to reduce storm damage. This method can be used in the initial design stage of a...

Boater's Pledge?A Regional Campaign to Hook Fishermen and Recreational Boaters on Solutions to Solid-Waste Pollution
Volunteer beach cleanups along the coast of the northwestern Gulf of Mexico over the last years have resulted in removal of anthropogenic trash loads with a cumulative weight of more than...

Ocean Management Under the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act: Sanctuaries, Dumping and Development
This paper examines the terms of the Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act of 1972 (MPRSA), 3 its legislative history, and its implementation by NOAA and EPA, and concludes...

Challenges for Coastal Resources Management in the Cheonsu Bay, The Republic of Korea
Under the development-oriented national policy on coastal zone uses, the current institutional arrangements of Korea cannot provide an integrated way. Thus the management efforts often...

Needs for Management and Conservation of the Southern Gulf of Mexico
The shorelines of the southern of Mexico are a mixture of varied and diverse habitats. Nearly 2,600 km of shoreline and half of the area of the Gulf of Mexico belongs to the Mexican Economic...

Nursery Culture of Scallop Seed in a Recreational Marina
This paper describes nursery culture seed in a recreational marina....

Shoreline Processes and Beach Changes on the Lagoon Shoreline at Fire Island National Seashore, NY, USA
Shoreline processes and beach changes on the lagoon shoreline at Fire Island national seashore, NY, USA are discussed in this paper....

Restoration of Batiquitos Lagoon: Cooperative Effort, Judicially Sanctioned
Restoration of badly degraded Batiquitos Lagoon required a project of unprecedented size and scope, involving numerous local, state and federal agencies. The restoration project will cost...

Coastal Restoration: Louisiana's Saving Grace
Louisiana loses an estimated sixty-five square kilometers of coastal wetlands per year. In response to this loss, the Coastal Restoration Division of the Louisiana Department of Natural...

Wetland Creation and Restoration on the US Pacific Coast
Major wetland creation or restoration projects on the Pacific Coasts of the United States have regional characteristics and reasons for being built: (1) they are all either within deep...

The NOAA Restoration Center: Next Steps
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Restoration Center (RC) was founded in 1991. Since its inception it has made significant progress along several fronts. Foremost,...

A Strategic Approach to the Restoration Planning Process for Natural Resource Damage Assessment Cases
While the Natural Resource Damage Assessment Regulations make it clear that a range of restoration alternatives be identified in damage assessment cases, much time and money can be wasted...

Sanctuary Program at a Crossroads
The National Marine Sanctuary Program (Program) stands at a Cross roads with its mission to protect special areas of the marine environment. As public debates over the function and size...

A Comparative Analysis of Multiple-Use Coastal and Ocean Management Techniques in Marine Protected Areas
Many coastal and ocean areas worldwide have been designated for protection and management through the establishment of national, regional, or international marine protected areas(MPAs)....

Conservation Practices Physical Effects Evaluated in Formulating Conservation Management Systems
The Soil Conservation Service (SCS) is responsible for providing national leadership and administration of Federal programs to conserve soil, water, and related resources on private lands...

Cumulative Environmental Impacts of Shoreline Stabilization on Puget Sound
Although shore protection structures such as bulkheads and seawalls may provide protection to upland property owners, they bring with them numerous potential adverse environmental effects....

The Flood Threat Response in South Louisiana
The flood threat to the people of Louisiana is ever present. Responses to reducing the flood threat have been relocation, structural and regulatory. All of these responses effect the surrounding...

Some Considerations About a Coastal Lagoon (RJ-Brasil) Trophic Level
The growing urban occupation in coastal areas has generated environmental disturbs such as the eutrophication of semi-enclosed water bodies. The Marapendi Lagoon, located at a fast developing...

Offshore Marine Litter in Swansea Bay, Wales, UK
Offshore litter can originate from various sources; with land based (i.e., rivers and beaches), sewage disposal sites and sea dumping being the main source areas. Much work has been carried...

Restoring the Beach Profile with Vegetation
Owing to the fast moving urban expansion of the city of Rio de Janeiro toward one of its most preserved coastal areas, Barra da Tijuca district, it was necessary to implement some substructure...





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