Static Wave Force Procedure for Platform Design
Since results from the Ocean Test Structure were presented at Civil Engineering in the Oceans IV in 1979, there have been numerous laboratory experiments and a few full-scale measurements...

Screening Old Offshore Platforms: Previous Approaches and Further Thoughts
Several possible levels of analysis are identified, each leading to both quantitative (economic) and subjective (human) risk evaluations. These range from ratings based only on historical...

The U.S. Naval Facilities Offshore Platform Inspection, Maintenance, Repair and Rehabilitation Program
The Department of Defense (DOD) owns many offshore platforms in various worldwide locations. These platforms are presently being utilized for training and long term research and development...

Cyclic Behavior of a Deepwater Normally Consolidated Clay
A comprehensive advanced laboratory testing program was undertaken to study the cyclic behavior of clays under various combinations of one-way and two-way cyclic loading. This work was...

Upper Bound Limit Analysis of Deep Skirt Structures' Foundations
A solution to the problem of determining the bearing capacity of an embedded footing (foundation) subjected to arbitrary loading is being presented herein. It is primarily intended for...

Three-Dimensional Circulation Modeling of the Coastal and Ocean Environments
Incursion of the loop current, a meandering feature of Gulf of Mexico large-scale circulation, may produce large hydrodynamic forces on the offshore structures. The present study is to...

A New Concrete Armor Unit for Breakwaters: The Beta Block
The aim of this paper, is to present a new artificial block for the protection of breakwaters. This armor unit, named BETA, has been designed and tested in the Coasts and Harbors Studies...

Hydraulic Design of Offshore Breakwater in Sergipe, Brazil
A Petrobras (Petroleo Brasileiro S.A.) marine terminal was recently constructed in Sergipe, Brazil (Figure 1). The offshore breakwater was initially designed in a conventional way, but...

Corrosion Fatigue of Deepwater Offshore Materials
Evaluation of the fatigue life of offshore structures operating in depths of up to 10,000 feet (3,048 m) requires knowledge of the combined effect of axial and hydrostatic loading on the...

Stability of Accropode(R) and Comparison with Parallelepipedic Block
This paper describes the tests which were performed on physical models with irregular waves, to determine the hydraulic stability of the Accropode(R)...

Experimental Research on Groyne Stability Under Very Oblique Wave Action
Most of the experimental research concerning the stability of coastal structures is focused on normal wave incidence. However, many of these structures are subject to waves which run predominantly...

Application of Fracture Mechanics Methodology to Assessment of Weld Defects in Offshore Platforms
This paper demonstrates an application of both deterministic and probabilistic fracture mechanics methods to assess weld defects in an offshore platform. The results of the assessment...

Simplified Methods for Assessment of the Structural Integrity of Existing Steel Jacket Platforms in the Gulf of Mexico
This paper presents the results of research to define a practical procedure for assessment of the structural integrity of existing steel jacket platforms in the Gulf of Mexico. An overview...

Review of API Guidelines for Pipe Piles in Sand
Most offshore structures are supported using steel pipe piles which are designed in accord with API Recommended Practice 2A. The guidelines for analysis of axial capacity of steel pipe...

Homopolar Pulse Butt Welding of API 5L Line Pipe
Homopolar pulse welding (HPW) is a welding process that is being investigated as a means to rapidly join API line pipe, having particularly great potential for application in deepwater...

Effects of Freezing on Impact Properties of RTM Composites, and Their Applications in Offshore Structures
Resin transfer molding is rapidly being acknowledged as the process with potential to create perhaps the purest form of a composite material as representative of the concept of `material-by-design.'...

Mobile-Bed Physical Model Tests for the 1992 Olympic Harbour
The undistorted physical model is described which allowed the measurement of the wave induced velocity field along the main breakwater, and also in Somorrostro Beach (Barcelona). The current...

Dynamic Design of Deepwater Bottom-Founded Towers
This paper traces the development of dynamic design techniques for deepwater bottom-founded towers by the following: the classification of bottom-founded towers as either `stiff' or `compliant';...

Dynamic Response Characteristics of Jack-Up Drilling Units
The effects of five parameters on the dynamic amplification of the global base shear on a deep water jack-up drilling unit were analyzed using a time domain nonlinear model. The five parameters...

Response Statistics of Tension Leg Platforms Under Wind Loads
This paper presents the direct integration method and Kac-Siegert technique to solve the first four cumulants in the general quadratic systems, and proposes the splitting technique to...





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