Small Canal Discharge Measurement by Thermal Dilution
Thermal dilution is a variation of the indicator dilution flow measurement technique, utilizing heat as the indicator. The measurement is accomplished by performing a heat balance within...

Coagulation in Natural Waters
The hydrodynamics and chemistry of particle-particle interactions can control the transport of particles and of particle-reactive pollutants. In lakes, particle deposition is accomplished...

Ground-Water Drainage to Surface Mines Refined
Changes in seepage flux and hydraulic head (ground-water level) resulting from ground-water drainage into the first and subsequent cuts of a surface coal mine can be estimated by a technique...

Ground Water Management Using Computers
Both a mainframe and personal computers are used by the Water Use Division of the South Florida Water Management District in the consumptive water use permitting process. Numerical and...

Flow and Mixing Calculations for a Two-Dimensional Reservoir Water Quality Model
A two-dimensional reservoir water quality box model has been developed and applied to several Tennessee Valley Authority reservoirs including a mainstem reservoir that is fully mixed vertically,...

Thermal Plume Model for Demonstrating Compliance
A numerical model that simulates the discharge of heated water from a multiport line diffuser to a thermally stratified, flowing environment was developed. The model solves the conservation...

Using Microcomputers for Groundwater Flow Analysis
Micro-computers offer an effective and efficient method for rapid and comprehensive analyses of groundwater flow. There are now numerous codes which have been developed specifically for...

Modeling Aquifer Sensitivity and Leachate Controls
This paper investigates the transport of waste leachate from a leaky containment facility using the computer model of Two-Dimensional Solute Transport and Dispersion in Ground Water developed...

Computer Aided Design of Ground-Water Monitoring Programs
Preliminary evaluation of flow patterns and plume migration by computer simulation aids in determining the spacing of monitoring devices perpendicular to the flow direction, the location...

Portland's New Water Pumping and Hydropower Station
The City of Portland, Oregon, recently placed into service a 100 mgd pumping station as a major milestone in developing a backup and emergency groundwater supply. The facility is also...

Turbine Efficiency Loss Associated with Draft Tube Aeration
Draft tube aeration is one method for improving the dissolved oxygen content of hydroelectric discharge. A simple analytical procedure is presented for estimating the loss in turbine efficiency...

Aquifer Management Using Discrete Kernels in Microcomputers
An interactive simulation model based on the 'Discrete Kernel Approach' (a Green's function approach) is presented. The response functions (or the...

Make-up and Blowdown of a Cooling Pond
A mathematical model was developed to simulate the operation of a recirculating cooling pond for a planned nuclear power plant in the Midwest. The objective of the pond operation is to...

The U.S.G.S. Modular Ground-Water Flow Model: Designed to be Understood and Adapted
The paper discusses a carefully designed model program and its complementary complete description of all of the physical and mathematical concepts used in the model. The model program...

Applicability of Groundwater Models to Microcomputers
Microcomputers represent a viable alternative to mainframe and minicomputers for the implementation of groundwater models. The criteria used to evaluate microprocessors are maximum addressable...

Incorporating 3-D Effects into a 2-D Model
Some three-dimensional (3-D) effects may be incorporated into vertically averaged two-dimensional models. This is demonstrated with a case study where the effects of a complex system of...

Measurement of Hydraulic Conductivity Variation
For a confined, sandy aquifer, the dependence of the horizontal hydraulic conductivity on the vertical coordinate has been measured using single-well tracer injection/recovery experiments....

Analytic Solution for Seepage from Saturated Soil Behind a Braced Wall
The locations of streamlines and equipotentials for two-dimensional flow in the vertical plane normal to a vertical retaining wall can be determined by various methods. Recent extension...

Development of a Practical Method Simulating Oil Spill Migration (OSPIM) in Soils
Many ground-water modeling studies can be performed on currently available microcomputers. The greatest problem associated with the proliferation of ground-water modeling software for...

Ground-water Modeling on Small Computers: Past, Present, and Future
The paper reports on research that concerns the possible development of numerical models being able to simulate practical cases of Oil Spill Migration (OSPIM) in soils. Such models can...





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