Application of the Generalized Channel Routing Model
Using the linear full dynamic finite difference model the applicability of diffusion and kinematic wave models is investigated. Two dimensionless numbers are suggested for applicable range...

A Regionalized Rainfall-Runoff Stochastic Model
The single area unit hydrograph model is used to develop a distribution model which accommodates the uncertainty in rainfall over the catchment. By categorizing the available rainfall...

On the Problem of Sediment Deposition in Large Reservoirs
Sediment deposition and its accumulation in a large reservoir depends on the inflow and reservoir storage content, respectively. This fact is used to model the cumulative deposition of...

Status and New Capabilities of Computer Program HEC-6: Scour and Deposition in Rivers and Reservoirs
Last year the Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC) and the Waterways Experiment Center (WES) incorporated the results from more than ten years of research and development into a new version...

Computational Open-Channel Hydraulics for Movable-Bed Problems
As a major branch of computational hydraulics, notable advances have been made in numerical modeling of unsteady open-channel flow since the beginning of the computer age. According to...

Diffusion Wave Overland Flow Module
This paper documents the diffusion-wave overland flow module contained in the FORTRAN-callable routine OVERLAND. Subjects covered include the theoretical background, model formulation,...

Use of Linear Programming for Hydraulics Problems
Water is becoming a more and more precious commodity worldwide with each passing day. At the same time, the optimum and most productive solutions to water control and utilization are becoming...

Pump Selection Program and a Better User Interface
Numerous highly innovative computer solutions to engineering problems are of little use to the practicing engineer because these programs are not supported by adequate user interface....

Two-Dimensional Finite Element Simulation of the Flooding Characteristics in Kawainui Marsh, Hawaii
This paper summarizes the results from the calibration and application of a two-dimensional finite element model capable of simulating the complex circulation characteristics of Kawainui...

Computation of Sediment Transport Resulting From Snowmelt and Rainfall in a Sierra Nevada Watershed
Erosion within a watershed can cause extensive damage to the land and adjacent properties. It is a common problem throughout the United States, and has become severe in many areas of the...

Numerical Modeling of Irregular Hydraulic Jumps
In its simplest form a hydraulic jump characterized by an abrupt increase in the water surface elevation from a depth less than the critical depth, Dc,...

Solving Turbulent Flows with Finite Elements
A finite element computer code using the q - r turbulence model is applied to turbulent flow under a sluice gate. The addition and slow removal of artificial diffusion enhances convergence....

Grid-Induced Errors in Depth-Averaged Flow Fields
A computer code called CH2D (Curvilinear Hydrodynamics in Two Dimensions) for computing depth-averaged free-surface flow fields has been used to assess the impact of the rate of change...

Two-Dimensional Floodplain Modeling
A two-dimensional horizontal finite element numerical model (RMA-2) was applied to a 15 mile (24 km) river channel-floodplain reach in West Germany. Previous applications of such models...

Shell Island Restoration
Shell Island is a barrier island along the Louisiana coast that protects back bays and marsh land south of New Orleans. In 1979, the island was breached by a hurricane, exposing the back...

The Development of a Plan of Study to Evaluate the Physical and Biological Effects of Increased Navigation Traffic on the Mississippi River
An integrity team prepared a Plan of study (POS) that represents the first comprehensive effort on the Upper Mississippi River (UMR), to identify and quantify impacts associated with commercial...

Mass Conservation in the RMA2V Code
This paper discusses the RMA2V hydrodynamic code with a particular interest in mass conservation problems. These originate from at least two sources. One of which is the slip flow boundary...

3-D Free Surface Flow Modeling by Efficient Finite Element Method
3-D free surface flows in highly irregular boundary configurations are among the most difficult natural phenomena to be simulated by mathematical modeling. Not only the problems of accuracy,...

Discussion of a Three-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Model of the Upper Chesapeake and Delaware Bays
A time-varying three-dimensional (3-D) numerical model of the Upper Chesapeake and Delaware Bays has been developed to address the impact of deepening the Chesapeake and Delaware (C&D)...

Momentum and Kinetic Energy Coefficient Research?Ramp Flumes
In October 1984. Reclamation Hydraulic Branch staff members investigated the operation of the A-Canal ramp at Klamath Falls, Oregon. The ramp flume was completed in 1983 as a water measurement...





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