Computer Assisted Mistakes
The proliferation of computer usage by design engineers will continue to generate change in practice. It will affect the process and production of design. It will affect the relationships...

Future Federal Pavement Policy
Pavement design is entering a new era of increased attention and research insight. Since most of our pavements are in place and under traffic, much of future design will be for their rehabilitation...

Portland Cement Concrete Pavement in the 21st Century
The future of Portland Cement Concrete Paving in the 21st Century holds vast challenges that we as industry must be ready to tackle head on. Looking ahead, we see an even more vital role...

Journal of Aerospace Engineering
The Journal of Aerospace Engineering promotes the implementation and development of space and aerospace technologies and their transfer to other civil engineering applications. Topics of interest include...

Computers Board Equipment
Construction equipment is slowly being automated, either with remotely operated radio controls or by on-board computers that control repetitive tasks. Contractors in the United States...

The Washington Public Shore Guide: Spotlight on Public Information
The development of the Washington Public Shore Guide: Marine Waters is traced from its early conception through publication in May of 1986 to the preparation of a supplement late in 1986....

Use of a Geographic Information System as a Tool for Making Land Use Management Decisions for Coastal Wetlands in a State Regulatory Program
The Coastal Management Division of the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources is responsible for protecting and managing activities which occur in wetlands. As a tool for making decisions...

REMOTS?: Reconnaissance of Benthic Environments
REMOTS(REGISTERED TRADEMARK) technology, a combination of sediment-profile photography and computer image analysis, was developed to address shortcomings in traditional benthic sampling...

Monitoring Completed Coastal Projects Results to Date
In 1981, the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers initiated a program of monitoring coastal projects. Called the Monitoring Completed Coastal Projects (MCCP) Program, its purpose is to aid in...

Using the CoastalEcological Landscape Spatial Simulation (CELSS) Model for Wetland Management
A spatial simulation model was constructed to help understand the historical changes in the Atchafalaya/Terrebonne marsh/estuarine complex in south Louisiana and to project impacts of...

Application of an Ecosystem/Water Quality Model as a Tool for Managing Estuarine Water Quality
A laterally averaged two-dimensional computer model was developed to simulate the hydrodynamics, transport, and ecosystem dynamics of Budd Inlet, a small partially mixed estuary located...

The Typical Engineering Properties of Fly Ash
Knowledge of key physical and engineering properties of coal fly ash is needed in the planning, design, and construction of both disposal and utilization projects. While considerable data...

Electronic Gymnastics
Efforts are being made to have all the parties to a project share the same, current information. In order to do so, civil engineering firms are jumping through electronic hoops to get...

Optimization: An Emerging Technology
The technology of formal, numerical structural optimization is neither mysterious nor complex. Software programs are now available for use by engineers who do not have detailed knowledge...

CAD Trials
The solo practitioner is, for many reasons, at a disadvantage when it comes to analyzing and selecting CAD system components. Trade magazine how-to articles are generally geared toward...

Worth a Thousand Words
In recent years, microcomputers have grown powerful enough to take over many of the functions that once, only a mainframe could understand. In addition, they have added a few tricks of...

Computers: What Do Students Need to Know?
This article is based on interviews with three professors at three universities, a recent graduate from each school, and the graduate's employer. The interviews show that...

Automating Bridge Design
To avoid some of the pitfalls of manual design calculations, Parsons Brinckerhoff Quade & Douglas engineers designing a series of bridges for a $280 million section of the New...

Expert Systems for Risk Analysis
An explanation is presented on why construction risk analysis can be handled by an expert system computer program. The author offers a prototype construction risk management expert system...

Building Frame Analysis in Basic
Moment distribution has, for the past 30 years, been the most popular method of analysis for statically indeterminate structures. Programmed in Basic for the microcomputer with relative...





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