GIS Applications in Modern Stormwater Management
A Geographic Information System (GIS) is a technology that aids stormwater management through efficient data manipulation, analyses, and graphic displays. The integration of GIS with stormwater...

Data Analysis for Computer Modeling of Thermal Discharges
Assessment of the thermal discharge impact upon the environment and design of the appropriate discharge structure necessitate a range of data activities, from extensive field measurements,...

Scour at Culvert Outlets: Considerations Present and Future
One of the major considerations in the design and rehabilitation of the national transportation system is the conveyance of tributary drainage through constructed embankments. As drainage...

A Decision Making Approach for Stormwater Management Measures?A Case Example in the City of Waukesha, Wisconsin
An urban nonpoint source pollution predictive model (Source Load and Management Model?SLAMM; Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, 1990), and a decision matrix developed specifically...

Calibration of a Water Quality Model Using the Influence Coefficient Algorithm
A methodology based on the influence coefficient algorithm was established for the calibration of QUAL2E reaction coefficients. It was applied to the stream sections of the South Han River...

The Mamala Bay Study, Oahu, Hawaii: Introduction
A comprehensive multi-disciplinary study was conducted to evaluate the effects of point and non-point source discharges on the water quality of Mamala Bay, Oahu, Hawaii. The investigation...

Lake/Reservoir Restoration Activities in Taiwan
The paper presents a brief overview of recent lake and reservoir restoration project activities in Taiwan, an island nation in a sub-tropical and relatively wet climate. Because of steep...

Hollyhills Drain Relief for 1920s Drainage System
The paper will discuss design and construction problems encountered for a $50,000,000 Urban Storm Drain System in the Metropolitan Los Angeles Area. The Drainage System relieves a system...

Pollution Transport in Karst
A new model of pollution transport in natural streams was developed and tested. Dead zone storage is modeled as a two time constant process. This approach better matches the observed persistence...

Seawater Intrusion Solutions for the Salinas Valley
Seawater intrusion has been occurring in the aquifers of the Salinas Valley ground water basin for more than 40 years. Two capital projects that will help reduce the rate of seawater intrusion...

Three Dimensional Particle Tracking Model for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
Flows into and out of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta are presently regulated in part by threatened and endangered fish species concerns. To aid in planning future project operations,...

Reducing Model Study Time and Improving Reliability
Historically, the majority of effort expended in computer modeling of physical systems has gone into the numerical algorithms used in the computer programs. Other aspects of modeling have...

Brownfields Boom
A brownfield is a leftover, unused industrial land parcel thought to have a prohibitively expensive clean-up required before developing. For years brownfields were battlefields for litigation...

When Toxics Meet Metal
Zero-valent iron is an emerging remediation technology that transforms chlorinated solvents to harmless substances. Engineers and researchers have been studying the process for about five...

Back to Bacteria: A More Natural Filtration
Drinking-water treatment used to be simple: use the best source available, filter if turbidity is present and add plenty of chlorine. Typically, these are the barriers that guard against...

North American Water and Environment Congress & Destructive Water
This proceedings contains papers presented at the North American Water and Environment Congress '96 of the ASCE's Environmental Engineering Division, Water Resources...

Do-Nothing Cleanups
Restoring polluted soil and ground water to pristine condition is, in some cases, neither cost-effective nor feasible. So what's the best way to close these sites with minimal...

Modeling Contaminated Sediments
Using a computer model to analyze and predict sediment transport only works when the analyst considers the model's limitations and the physical processes involved, and conducts...

Pyramid Power
The pyramids of Giza in Egypt were built with limestone from nearby quarries, not concrete as some have theorized. The three main pyramids of Giza mark a highpoint of pyramid building...

Pump and Treat and Wait (Available only in the Geo/Environmental Special Issue)
Pump and treat, a common ground-water cleanup technique, is slow to clean up deep contaminated aquifers. Adaptive intermittent pumping can increase the cleanup rate�and decrease costs�by...





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