Demonstration of the Wes New York Bight Hydrodynamic Model in Long Island Sound
Recently, a three-dimensional numerical hydrodynamic model of the New York Bight developed by the Waterways Experiment Station was applied to the Long Island Sound subregion, using NOAA's...

Solutions of Primitive Equations for Three-dimensional Tidal Circulation
Readily available computing resources and new numerical methods have made it possible to reproduce detailed three-dimensional tidal circulation with very fine spatial resolution, and covering...

A Multi-Dimensional Transport Model Utilizing a Characteristic-Galerkin Approach
A multi-dimensional transport model based on the RMA series of finite element models has been developed utilizing a characteristic-Galerkin approach. This paper examines the application...

A Comparative Analysis of Estuarine Circulation Simulation Using Laterally Averaged and Vertically Averaged Hydrodynamic Models
Multidimensional models are routinely used to characterize hydrodynamic and transport processes in estuarine and coastal ocean systems. Due to a variety of factors, the choice between...

Comparison of Eulerian-Lagrangian, Random Walk and Hybrid Methods of Modeling Pollutant Transport
An Eulerian-Lagrangian, a random walk, and a hybrid model were compared in terms of their accuracy and efficiency in simulating two-dimensional pollutant transport. Computer experiments...

A Field and Modeling Study of Residual Circulation in Sarasota Bay and Tampa Bay, Florida
Based on analysis of current data at three distinct locations within the Sarasota/Tampa Bay system, we defined the residual circulation patterns and the relative influences by tides, wind...

Predicting Wave Spectra With a Third Generation Spectral Wave Model
the ability of the third generation spectral wave model, 3GWAM, to simulate frequency and directional spectra during a northeast storm of October 1990 along the U.S. mid-Atlantic coast...

Numerical Modeling of Waves in Harbors
The numerical wave model HARBD has been used extensively for estimating waves in harbors. The model is used to simulate laboratory tests of long waves in a rectangular harbor with variable...

Experimental Study of Undertow and Turbulence Intensity Under Irregular Waves in the Surf Zone
Experiments are performed in a two-dimensional wave tank with a sloping beach. Irregular waves are generated and the water particle velocity is measured in the surf zone with a laser Doppler...

Operational Interactive Hydrologic Forecasting with the National Weather Service River Forecast System
The National Weather Service River Forecast System (NWSRFS) consists of several major hydrometeorologic subcomponents to model the physics of the flow of water through the hydrologic cycle....

A Satellite Based River Forecast System for the Nile River
The initial version of the Nile Forecasting System developed by NOAA was used operational in July, 1993. Forecast System accuracy exceeded expectations. The Nile Forecast Center is now...

Tailwater Fishery Management Using a Fish Bioenergetics Model
Water releases from TVA reservoirs exert great influence on downstream water quality. Analytical tools to quantify biological response to altered environmental conditions, such as dissolved...

Managing Reservoir Storage for Fish Production
Salmon populations in numerous Pacific Coast rivers are in decline and are in danger of becoming threatened or endangered. A reservoir system simulation model was developed for the Trinity...

Modeling Municipal Water Demands for a Pump Station Area
The Chasewood Pump Station/Residential Area in southwest Houston was selected for a detailed analysis of ground and surface storage water pumping by a University of Houston and City of...

Optimization and Reservoir Operations for the Missouri River
As demands placed on the operation of the nation's reservoirs increase, the problem of finding the most desirable set of operation plans becomes more difficult and controversial. This...

Parameter Regionalization of a Daily Baseflow Runoff Model
Daily baseflow values are required to characterize the environmental measurements being carried out in several basins in the Province of Genova, northern Italy. The main purpose of these...

Effects of Lateral Heading Flow Steadiness on Lateral Spillage
Hourly inflow and spillage rates from three lateral canals in the Imperial Irrigation District in Southern California were measured for seven months and subsequently analyzed to identify...

Using GIS to Develop 2-D Hydraulic Models
As communities along rivers and streams continue to develop, the demand for more accurate floodplain analysis and flood warning will also increase. Computer systems continue to develop...

Instream Flow Studies: Susquehanna Basin and Pennsylvania
Proposed methodology for developing regional criteria for determining instream flow needs are described. The methodology includes: classification of streams; reconnaissance level studies...

Lake Ontario Regulation Utilizing an Expert System Approach Constrained by Interest Satisfaction Relationships
Mass balance of historic and predicted total basin supplies to Lake Ontario forms the basis of an Expert Systems model constrained by interest satisfaction (IS) relationships. The IS Model...





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