Central Valley Groundwater and Surface Water Model: A Conjunctive Use Planning Tool
A three dimensional finite element groundwater simulation model is integrated with a surface water simulation model to evaluate the conjunctive use feasibility for a specific area. The...

An Expert System for the Planning and Design of Flood Control Channels
The planning and design of flood control channels often calls for the evaluation of a unique set of physical conditions which do not lend themselves to standard designs. Consequently,...

What is a Drainage Utility?
A drainage utility is: a financing mechanism, providing a stable and dedicated funding source for surface water quality and quantity control; and a governmental entity whose mission is...

A Comparison of Accuracies of Steady Water Surface Profiles
The author compares the effect of varying boundary conditions and cross sectional spacing on one dimensional steady water surface profiles. Six streams are modeled using both the 10 and...

Numerical Solutions for Transient and Nearly Periodic Waves in Shallow Water
This paper presents a study of several numerical methods for solving transient (time-dependent) model equations for waves in shallow water by means of the method of lines. The physical...

Boundary Element Calculation of Nonlinear Wave Generation and Wave Current Interactions
A boundary element model is used to simulate the problem of nonlinear wave generation, and the interactions of wave and current. The numerical model is established based on the potential...

The Influence of the Viscosity on the Progressive Waves
In a stationary atmosphere, the free-surface progressive wave motion in a real fluid of uniform depth is analysed by using Navier-Stokes equation, and its mechanism is described in first-order...

Hydrodynamic Pressure on an Oscillating Vertical Plate
The hydrodynamic pressure on an oscillating vertical plate could be influenced by the effects of compressibility of fluids and surface waves. The compressibility is effective for higher...

The Moving Contact Line
The flow field around the moving contact line, generated by an impulsive, horizontal motion of a vertical plate, is studied numerically. The two-dimensional, unsteady Navier-Stokes equations,...

Interaction of Viscous Free-Surface Flow with Submerged Structure
The fully-transformed unsteady incompressible Navier-Stokes equations are solved numerically in a time-dependent boundary-fitted coordinate system. In addition, the complete viscous free-surface...

Studies of the Interfacial Properties of Fiber Reinforced Cement
The multiple fiber pull-out tests were conducted with steel wires and alkali resistant glass fiber strand in order to characterize the behavior of interface of fiber and cementitious matrix....

Meteorological Aspects of Hurricane Hugo
Despite recent improvements in the accuracy of hurricane forecasting at a rate of about one-half to one percent per-year over the past decade, the population growth in coastal mainland...

A Piston-Type Nonlinear Wavemaker Theory
In this paper, the small-amplitude surface waves produced by a piston-type nonlinear porous wavemaker in an infinitely and a semi-infinitely long channel are studied. Analytical solution...

HF Radar Ocean Surface Mapping in Monterey Bay as a Prototype for California Coastal Environmental Monitoring and Governance
A network of coastal HF radars is being established to provide real-time coverage of ocean surface currents, onshore waves, and ultimately wind fields over Monterey Bay. Data products...

Phase Speed and Angle of Breaking Waves Measured with Video Techniques
The phase speed and incident angle of breaking surface gravity waves in the surf zone are measured using video processing techniques. The analysis of video data follows two lines. The...

Development of a Sorbent for Removal of Nonionic Pollutants from Water
Sorption of anionic surfactants onto mineral oxides and, and the subsequent partitioning of non-ionic organic substance into the organic phase of these synthetic sorbents was studied....

Tracer Study for C*t Compliance Evaluation
A tracer study was performed with a fluorescent dye, Rhodamine WT, to determine the actual disinfectant contact time for the 36-mgd Courtney Bend Water Treatment Plant near Independence,...

Trihalomethane Control: A Case Study
Controlling trihalomethanes (THMs) has been an important part of many utilities' water treatment programs since THMs were first regulated in 1979. The increased disinfection...

The Gloryhole Approach to Increasing Dissolved Oxygen Content
Deep intakes at hydroelectric dams in southern states withdraw water that is oxygen deficient during summer months when reservoirs become stratified. The 'Gloryhole'...

The PEC Headworks Project?A Cooperative Hydropower Development
The PEC Headworks Project is a single-unit hydroelectric facility located at the headworks of the Potholes East Canal at O'Sullivan Dam on the Potholes reservoir near Moses...





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