Mixed Systems: Past Practices, Recent Experience, and Future Direction
A comparison is made between composite column capacities derived from the authors procedure utilizing the ACI (America Concrete Institute) code requirements, and previously published semi-empirical...

Recent Research on Composite Structures for Building and Bridge Applications
Continuing research has been carried out at Lehigh University on composite structural members, joints, and overall systems. This paper summarizes the results of research on four selected...

SRC Elevated Station Structures for New Bullet Trains
SRC Steelframe reinforced concrete structures were utilized on several station buildings for the Japanese National Railways bullet trains. This paper presents an outline of the dimensions...

Recent Developments in Mixed Steel-Concrete Systems
Mixed steel-concrete systems have emerged into a well established new system that can be used as readily as either steel or concrete systems for high-rise buildings. Mixed systems offer...

Strength of Biaxially Loaded SRC Columns
The paper presents the results of an experimental study on the elasto-plastic behavior of 'Steel reinforced concrete (SRC)' columns subjected to biaxially eccentric...

Bond Check for Concrete-Filled Steel Tubular Columns
In order that a concrete-filled steel tubular column may display a maximum bearing capacity for sustaining the long-term vertical loads transferred from the steel beams to the steel tube...

Beam-to-Column Connection of a Composite Structure
Composite structures can exhibit excellent performance against seismic force, and fire safety as well. However, the traditional steel reinforced concrete (SRC) system or concrete encased...

Beam to Column Stress Transfer in Composite Structures
To clarify the mechanism of the stress transfer from the steel beam to the composite column through the beam-column joint, eight exterior beam column assemblies were tested under reversed...

Bond Stress of Embedded Steel Shapes in Concrete
This paper describes an investigation into the bond stress developed between steel shapes and reinforced concrete when the concrete is lightly stressed. A brief discussion of previous...

Recent Developments for Composite Buildings in Japan
Research work and construction practice of composite steel and reinforced concrete structural systems in Japan are reviewed, based on the data gathered by the working group of the Architectural...

Shear Strengths of Concrete-Filled Steel Box Elements
This study evaluated the ultimate strengths as well as the effect of the ultimate composite actions of concrete-filled steel composites under combined bending, shear, and axial forces....

Composite Columns?Design and Examples for Construction
The new German standard DIN 18806, part 1 gives the rules for the design of composite columns. The general method, taking into account all the inhomogeneties of the two materials steel...

Design of Framed Steel Structures with Infill Reinforced Concrete Walls
It is a well-known fact that an infill shear wall in a frame acts as a compressive diagonal strut, giving strength and inflexibility to the frame. Recently the Architectural Institute...

Seismic Capacity Evaluation of SRC Buildings
The Japanese standard for seismic capacity evaluation of existing composite steel and reinforced concrete (SRC) buildings was introduced. As it developed, based on the previously established...

Composite and Mixed Construction in Czechoslovakia
Various composite and mixed systems have been used in Czechoslovakia. Special attention is focused on design methods, effective construction, and material savings. Current developments...

Seismic Strengthening of Existing RC Buildings
Seismic strengthening of existing reinforced concrete (RC) frame buildings by the use of steel braces or panels was studied experimentally. A special joint between steel elements and the...

Seminar Summary and Research Needs
All the papers presented in the technical sessions of the seminar are summarized and, in some cases, commented upon. The needed research in composite and mixed construction is described....

Binding and Bonding Concrete to Composite Columns
Composite interaction between concrete encasement and structural steel shapes is limited unless lateral ties and/or mechanical attachments insure such interaction until desired strength...

Reshaping the Future of Plastic Buildings
Plastic structures have been around for 40 years, but have for the most part been showcases with little use in the mainstream of the building industry. To be used effectively, plastics...

New Ways with Concrete
When NASA builds on the moon and in space, the structures will be concrete, say researchers at the Portland Cement Association's Construction Technology Laboratories. They...





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