Manatee County Plans for Environmental Protection
Faced with a projected population increase of 53 percent by the year 2000, Manatee County, Florida, is protecting its water resources by developing a regional wastewater facilities program...

Research Needs in Land Application of Sludge?Hydrologic Effects of Soil-Sludge Interaction
The effects of wastewater sludge amendment on subsurface and surface flow regimes is discussed. The paper concludes with recommendations for further research on hydrologic effects of soil-sludge...

Desalination of an Impounded Estuary
The Sungei Seletar, an arm of a saline tidal estuary surrounding the Island Republic of Singapore, has been dammed for conversion to a freshwater reservoir. Calculations for predicting...

Nitrate Analysis Utilizing Groundwater Modeling
Groundwater is the sole source of potable water for the Town of Barnstable, Massachusetts. It is, therefore, of paramount importance to maintain the overall quality within acceptable drinking...

Groundwater Studies for Land Treatment Facility
A wastewater treatment facility currently under construction in Falmouth, Massachusetts, features a dual disposal method for land application of effluent. As the effluent disposal site...

Apportionment of Costs for Multi-Party Cleanups
A rational model was developed for allocating remedial response costs among potentially responsible parties involved in clean up of abandoned waste sites. The model takes into consideration...

Emerging Environmental Clean-Up Responsibility
This paper is a summary of the structure of regulations requiring clean-up of sites when closed or sold, specifically the State of New Jersey's Environmental Cleanup Responsibility...

Elimination of Tidal Inflow?Bridgeport, CT
Using a program of sewer gauging, chloride sampling, sewer system analysis and treatment plant record review, it was determined that Bridgeport's old tide gates allowed 19...

Computer Control of Lift Station Operations
A unique computerized control system to supervise the operation of several lift stations has been designed by Boyle Engineering Corporation (Boyle) and constructed by the City of Orlando,...

Los Angeles Infiltration/Inflow Reduction Program
The City of Los Angeles maintains and operates two wastewater collection and treatment systems: the Hyperion System and the Terminal Island System. During the wet months of December through...

Quali-Continuous Simulation of CSOs
Providence, Rhode Island, has a combined sewer system. During and following a precipitation event the capacity of the system may be exceeded and a mixture of wastewater and urban runoff...

Potential for Nitrate Removal from Groundwater Supplies Using Biological Deintrification
Nitrate concentrations in groundwater supplies have been increasing over the years throughout many areas in the U. S. to the point of posing potential health dangers to a multitude of...

Role of Air in Improving First-Stage RBC Performance
A four-stage RBC (rotating biological contactor) treatment plant having two parallel trains is used to treat combined municipal and industrial dairy waste from a city with a population...

A Modified RBC Design: Performance Evaluation
An RBC (rotating biological contactor) system was designed using Pall rings type 40, and tested under high organic surface conditions. Influent soluble BOD averaged at 55 mg/l, equivalent...

Fluidization of Biomas Covered Sand Particles
The expansion behavior of the fluidized bed reactor support medium is important in its design and analysis. Steady state and dynamic behavior of fluidized bed expansion were compared with...

Modular Plastic Media for Shallow Bed Trickling Filter Applications
Little specific data is available for less sophisticated trickling filter systems which employ recent plastic media designs for shallow bed filters without the added cost of subsequent...

The Use of Activated Carbon as a Polishing Step for Treatment of Industrial Plating Wastewaters
An activated carbon adsorption process was utilized as a polishing step following the precipitation (hydroxide or sulfide) process. Zinc and cadmium were the metals studied. Since plating...

Direct Filtration of a Semiconductor Wastewater
A pilot plant study was conducted to determine the feasibility of direct filtration for the removal of metal precipitates from a semiconductor manufacturing wastewater. The pH of the acidic...

Factors Influencing Zinc Cementation of Cadmium
The research reported here examines an innovative procedure for removal of cadmium from wastewaters. This process is the cementation of cadmium by zinc metal. Cementation is highly attractive...

The Adsorption Characteristics of NI (II) Onto Bubble Surface
The removal of Ni(II) by foam fractionation is brought about by the electrostatic mechanism. From removal and zeta potential measurements, it clearly demonstrates that Ni**2** plus and...





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