Research Needs for Debris Flow Disaster Prevention
A 'soft' disaster reduction strategy is proposed based on identification of hazard location, extent and maximum intensity; monitoring of antecedent catchment moisture, sediment and vegetation...

Fish Screen Developments, Columbia River Dams
This paper describes developments to date for a fish diversion and bypass system being tested for two Columbia River dams. Because of the concern for the negative impacts of screen systems...

Wind Induced Circulation in Shallow Lakes
Clear Lake is a relatively shallow lake in Northern California. Natural flows are small but at times they do transport heavy metals into the lake. In order to predict water quality constituent...

A Simple and Reliable Method For Analysis of Water Supply Distribution
The proposed analysis, may be regarded as a bridge between the practical sample analysis and the optimization model development. From the analysis and observation of water distribution...

Friction Loss Equations for Hydropower Facilities
Many water suppliers are pursuing economic benefits from water supply and distribution systems through development of hydropower facilities on pipelines. Excessive pressure head that used...

Development of Enhanced Tools for the Integrated Analysis of Reservoir and Power System Operations
The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) and the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) have initiated a collaborative project - the INTEGRAL Project - to develop improved tools for coordinating...

Riprap Coverage Around Bridge Piers
Experiments were conducted to examine the effect of riprap size and coverage on reducing local scour at bridge piers. Pier diameter, bed material size, riprap size and diameter were varied...

Scour Retrofit Case Studies for Arizona
Scour retrofit involves a coordinated analysis and joint determination of action by several engineering disciplines: typically, geotechnical, hydraulic and structural engineering. The...

Sediment Deposition in Jennings Randolph Reservoir, Maryland and West Virginia
The watershed of the Jennings Randolph Reservoir covers 263 square miles of mountainous terrain in western Maryland and West Virginia. Sedimentation studies performed prior to impoundment...

Laboratory Study of the Characteristics of Shallow Open Channel Flow Using Fiber-optic Laser Doppler Velocimetry
An experimental study was proposed to investigate the characteristics of shallow rain-impacted flow using a recirculating flume and an artificial rainfall simulator. The fibre-optic Laser...

Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler for Inlet Current Measurements
A BroadBand Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (BroadBand ADCP) was used to survey tidal currents at Shinnecock and Moriches Inlets, Long Island, NY. Measurements were made remotely form...

Confirmation of Seismic Safety at Stafford Dam
A critical aspect of the North Marin Water District's mission to maintain reliable water supply facilities and water service is periodic assessment and re-evaluation of the seismic safety...

An Improved Method for Measuring System Performance of Hydraulic Infrastructure Systems
Due to the public awareness of the importance of functioning of hydraulic infrastructure systems and the serious consequences caused by their failure, many researches were undertaken to...

Prediction of Occurrence and Runoff Analysis of Debris Flow
A debris flow will occur on a slope when the rainfall exceeds a certain value determined by the hydraulic, geological and topographic properties of the slope. To estimate this critical...

Integration of Environmental Management with Reservoir and Power System Operations
Two examples related to the Tennessee Valley Authority's reservoir and power systems operation with environmental performance and management as major goals are given in this paper. One...

Methods for Prediction of Maximum Scour at Coastal Structures
The most common coast scour-related problems are toe scour at rubble mound structures and vertical seawalls, and scour at the base of piles and horizontal pipelines. Existing scour prediction...

Overmining Causes Undermining(It's a Mad Mad River)
Instream aggregate mining has caused significant problems and expense to California bridges. Riverbed degradation on the order of 3-5 m (9-15 ft) beneath waterway crossings within actively...

Time-Dependent Landslide Probability Mapping
Case studies where time of failure is known for rainfall-triggered debris flows can be used to estimate the parameters of a hazard model in which the probability of failure is a function...

Operation of a Real-Time Warning System for Debris Flows in the San Francisco Bay Area, California
The United States Geological Survey (USGS) and the National Weather Service (NWS) have developed an operational warning system for debris flows during severe rainstorms in the San Francisco...

Structural and Non-Structural Debris-Flow Countermeasures
Debris-flow can potentially occur for almost any torrents whose gradient is steeper than a given critical value and the frequency at which the debris-flow occurs depends on geological...





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