Frost Action and Its Control
This state-of-the-art review addresses, in four separate papers, frost heave processes and their control. A review of the fundamental principles of soil freezing and thawing is presented...

The Sand Dam
Currently under construction is the 443 ft. high sand fill dam. Being erodible, pervious and liquefiable, sand would normally be considered as n unsuitable material to construct LaVueltosa...

Groundwater State of the Art: Is It Adequate?
Representatives from academia, engineering firms, trade associations, and government outline what they believe are the major needs in research, equipment, education and government programs...

Seismic Design for Highway Bridge Foundations
This paper focuses on the determination of stiffness characteristics of piles and pile groups. Both battered and vertical pile groups are considered. Recommended methods for determining...

Port of Seattle Seismic Waterfront Design
This paper describes the soil seismic design process, using the design developed for a concrete apron project at Terminal 20 as an illustration. Damage by the 1965 earthquake is described....

Seismic Response of Port and Harbor Facilities
A research program compiled information regarding the behavior of port and harbor facilities during past earthquakes. The potential for significant damage to port and harbor facilities...

Coal Terminal
The Charleston Shipyard River Coal Terminal was constructed by converting a port-side chemical plant at a third of the cost of equivalent major coal terminals. A staged program for the...

Coupled Vertical-Rocking Response of Base-Isolated Structures
A base-isolated building can have a small horizontal eccentricity between the center of mass of the superstructure and the center of rigidity of the supporting bearings. The structure...

Reduction of Seismic Response in Breeder Plants
Thin-walled vessels to be used in the Nuclear Steam Supply Systems (NSSS) of future LMFBR's will be more sensitive to seismic excitation than their equivalents used in conventional...

Design and Performance of Buried Fiberglass Pipes ? A New Perspective
The buried performance of fiberglass pipes was the subject of a comprehensive and multifaceted research program carried out in 1982 and 1983. Instrumentation, capable of accurately tracing...

Design of Thin Wall Reinforced Concrete Pipe Using Dimension Ratio (DR)
Dimension Ratio is defined as the ratio of the internal pipe diameter to the pipe wall thickness. The Caltrans culvert research leading to the development and use of the Dimension Ratio...

Performance of Low Stiffness Plastic Pipe in Stiff Soils
Large diameter pipe made from ductile plastics, such as polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polypropylene (PP) and high density polyethylene (HDPE) can be effectively utilized in subsurface installations...

Design Criteria for Buried Flexible Pipe
A modified CANDE program was used to analyze a full factorial set of design parameters for buried, large diameter high density polyethylene profile-wall pipe. A new pipe subroutine was...

Importance of Pipe Soil Stiffness Ratio in Plastic Pipe Design
In this paper, the finite element method of analysis is used to study the effect of pipe-soil stiffness ratio on axial forces, bending moments, and deflection of pipes of varying stiffness....

Drip Irrigated Cotton: Economics and Water Savings
Groundwater withdrawals for cotton production in the arid Southwest account for about 15 percent of all groundwater withdrawals. In Arizona, cotton's proportion of groundwater...

Finite-Strain Axial Analysis of Piles in Clay
In the late 1970's, a series of research projects developed simple effective-stress methods to predict the axial capacity of piles in normally-consolidated clay. The method...

Centrifugal Modeling of Pile Foundations
Modeling of pile foundations in a centrifuge, where the self weight induced stresses in the soil are simulated by elevated gravity loading, is described. Hollow pipe piles in a stiff clay...

Prediction of Settlement of Single Piles in Clay
Analyses by trial were used to fit theoretical load-settlement curves to measured curves for driven piles. For the elastic method, analyses of load tests indicated that designers should...

Shaft Capacity of Driven Pipe Piles in Clay
A compilation of axial load test records for driven pipe piles in clay published by the American Petroleum Institute is analysed to yield new criteria for skin friction and pile scale...

Limiting Tip and Side Resistance: Fact or Fallacy?
The tip and side resistances of deep foundations do not reach a limit at a critical depth; instead, they increase with depth. For the tip, the rate of increase decreases with depth. For...





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