A Unified Optimization?Simulation Aquifer Management Model
The optimal management scenario for a groundwater production system represents a delicate balance between the water production operational schedule, which will result in the least demand...

An Optimal Parameter Estimation Model for Groundwater Resource Management
An optimal parameter estimation model is developed to identify the locations of wells, to determine pumping magnitude, and to calculate transmissivity coefficients in a confined aquifer...

Hurricane Andrew in South Florida: Preparing a Water Management System for Disaster
This paper analyzes Hurricane Andrew from its beginning as a tropical storm to the powerful force that it later became. The careful monitoring that took place throughout its transformation...

Hurricane Andrew in South Florida: Steps to Recovery and Lessons Learned
This is the second part of a two-part paper which analyzes the development and impact of Hurricane Andrew in South Florida. The paper specifically deals with the experiences of the South...

Protecting the Boca Raton Outfall Before and After Hurricane Andrew
A critical factor for the success of an ocean outfall is its ability to remain intact and functional for many decades of service, despite extreme episodes of wave attack and beach erosion....

Reclamation's Review of Operation and Maintenance Program
The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) is responsible for protecting the Federal investment in over 300 water storage and conveyance facilities in the 17 Western States. Reclamation's...

Wetland Restoration in the Dutch Dune Area
Interference by man has affected the natural Dutch dune area seriously. The harmful effects of drinking water supply activities include low groundwater tables in the valleys, unnatural...

Annual Oscillation of Mean Monthly Water Levels at U.S. Ports
The annual variation in water level is not widely recognized among engineers. It could effect the selection of design ship channel depth or marina channel dredging, and tidal wetland creation...

Modeling the Operation of a Water Quality Reservoir and its Effect on the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
The methodology used to model the operation of a 100,000 acre-feet (123 million cubic meter) water quality reservoir in Contra Costa County, California is described. Planning studies integrated...

Quantification of Uncertainties in a Water Quality Model with Application to the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
A methodology is described that allows a quantitative verification of water quality models. The methodology provides a quantitative analysis of model accuracy that takes into account different...

New Methodology for Optimization of Freshwater Inflows to Estuaries
The objective of this paper is to present a new methodology for determining the optimal fresh water inflows into bays and estuaries to maximize fish harvest while satisfying the freshwater...

Relationships Between Flow and Benthic Communities
Current flows can affect directly factors critical to the survival of benthic communities, including the availability of food and nutrients, the chemical quality of water surrounding benthic...

Emergency Action Plan
Although most dam owners have a high level of confidence in the structures they own and are certain their dams will not fail, the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) included, history...

U.S. Geological Survey Bedload Sampling Policy
During the late 1960's, the U.S. Geological Survey's (USGS) Water Resources Division (WRD) developed the Helley-Smith bedload sampler. Since then, the USGS and the Technical Committee...

A Model of Mixing in a Stratified Tidal Flow
We will describe a simple model of vertical mixing in a stratified tidal flow that might be observed in shallow estuary like San Francisco Bay. The model flow is driven by a specified...

Yolo Bypass Wetlands?Impact Investigation
Approximately 20 square kilometers of wetland facilities are proposed to be installed within the Yolo Bypass of the Sacramento River Flood Control Project. A hydraulic impact investigation...

Plans for a Sensitivity Analysis of Bridge-Scour Computations
Plans for an analysis of the sensitivity of Level 2 bridge-scour computations are described. Cross-section data from 15 bridge sites in Texas are modified to reflect four levels of field...

Computational Hydraulics?The Systems Approach
This paper introduces two modern computational hydraulic computer programs that combine the calculated subcritical and supercritical water surface profiles and pressure gradients in open...

Water Surface Profile Computations?How Many Sections do I Need?
One-dimensional streamflow models, including standard-step models, require a sufficient number of cross sections to satisfy two needs. First, a sufficient number of cross sections must...

Predicting Water Quality at Municipal Water Intakes?Part I: Application to the Contra Costa Canal Intake
The factors affecting water quality at a municipal surface water intake in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta are discussed. A model is developed that successfully predicts the seawater...





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