A Watershed Approach to Coastal Zone Management for the Elkhorn Slough Estuarine Complex
The goal of establishing a scientifically-based, watershed planning and resource management framework for Elkhorn Slough in Monterey County, California has been an on-going effort for...

The Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve Management Plan?A Model for Other Estuarine Reserves and a Mechanism for Improved Coastal Resources Policy
This paper describes the management plan for the Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve, an approximately 1600-acre site along the southern Maine coast. With the assistance of planning...

A First Look Back at the San Francisco Estuary Project
This paper presents an initial retrospective look at the San Francisco Estuary Project (SFEP) from the standpoint of the senior author, who was involved in the project as a consulting...

Functional Significance of Estuaries in the Northeast: A Proposed Case Study Comparing Habitat Utilization and Quality
Most U.S. commercial fisheries landing consists of species dependent on coastal estuaries for spawning, nursery, or migratory feeding habitat. Loss of wetlands, anthropogenic contamination,...

Coastal Development and Cumulative Effects
This paper considers management of habitat quality in coastal zones. It highlights contradictions between modern needs and past modes of development, including industrialization, agrarian...

An Advanced Photogrammetric System as a Metric Information Collection Tool in Coastal Management
The advanced photogrammetric information collection system described in this paper consists of two subsystems: the data acquisition or the photographic subsystem, and the date mensuration...

Shoreline Erosion Assessment Software (SEASware)
This paper describes the shoreline erosion assessment software SEASware....

Habitat Degradation of the LaBranche Wetlands and an Approach to its Restoration
Considered the most productive wetlands within the Lake Pontchartrain Basin, the LaBranche Wetlands south of Lake Pontchartrain consists of over 18,000 acres of brackish to fresh marsh...

Pelagic Fisheries of Senegal: State of Stocks, Management Options, Policy Constraints and the Role of Subsidies
After a global presentation of the Senegalese pelagic distribution of the fish stocks, this article analyzes the effects of financial support programs in the industry. The suitability...

Wetland Assessment and Management Using a GIS Approach
Bloodsworth Island, in the Chesapeake Bay, is an important waterfowl and waterbird habitat comprising a large area of wetlands and one small upland ridge. it is experiencing rapid, but...

Environmental Impacts of Small Boat Navigation: Vessel/Sediment Interactions and Management Implications
It is the intent of this review and discussions to provide state-of-the-art information on one aspect of the issue of environmental impacts associated with small boat navigation, that...

Statistical Analysis of Gulf of Mexico Oil Spills of Less than 1,000 Barrels
A statistical analysis of the Minerals Management Service's (MMS) historic oil-spill data associated with Gulf of Mexico OCS oil production activities is presented. The analysis focused...

Project Priority Ranking Under CWPPRA
This paper presents an economic analysis of the procedure of ranking wetlands projects under the Coastal Wetlands Planning Protection and Restoration Act (CWPPRA) as implemented in Louisiana....

An Examination of Created Marsh and Seagrass Utilization by Living Marine Resources
It is evident that the time scale required for equivalent functioning of created marsh, seagrass and oyster habitats in terms of LMR utilization is on the scale of years. Even after two...

The Development of Fishery Habitat Value in Created Salt Marshes
This Coastal Ocean Program project was designed to examine the functional developmental rate of ten created marshes ranging in age from 3 or 15 years in the Galveston Bay system of Texas....

Accelerating and Evaluating the Development of Restored and Constructed Seagrass Ecosystems
Seagrass beds from one of the most productive ecosystems in the world (Zieman and Wetzel 1980). NOAA often recommends that unavoidable impacts to these highly productive systems be mitigated...

In-Water Habitat Restoration and Juvenile Salmonid Stranding in the Lower Columbia River
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) is considering using an eroded area in the Columbia River estuary to dispose of dredged material from the navigation channel. We conducted baseline...

Water Quality Impacts of a Lead/Zinc Mine in Northwest Alaska
In order to assure that water quality in the Red Dog Creek/lkalukrok Creek/Wulik River watershed returned to pre-mining conditions, the order required that water quality and fish tissue...

Sand Management Planning in Oregon
Under Statewide Planning Goal 18 dune grading or sand movement necessary to maintain views or prevent sand inundation is allowed only as part of an area-wide foredune management plan....

Dunes Management Plan: Long Beach Peninsula, Washington
The dunes management plan, completed in June 1989, addresses public education; land use jurisdiction and enforcement; funding; economic and environmental resource values; land development...





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