Demonstration of Watershed Management Effectiveness in Sediment Control Using Comprehensive Watershed Modeling
The Arroyo Pasajero, which drains a 500-square mile watershed in the Coastal Range of California, flows into the San Joaquin Valley, intersecting the San Luis Canal section of the California...

Modeling Erosion and Effects of Agricultural BMP's on a West Tennessee Watershed
The application of Hydrological Simulation Program FORTRAN (HSPF) to nonpoint source data was examined. The model is used to determine the effects of land management practices upon surface...

Conjunctive Use of Surface and Groundwater
A computer model was developed by T. Sammis and Z. Samani to simulate the conjunctive use of surface and groundwater. The model consisted of a groundwater simulation subroutine and a crop...

Canal Automation for Flexibility on Sloping Canals
This project and tested a method which would allow flexible water deliveries from medium-large canals. The canal gate movement algorithm CARDD (Canal Automation for Rapid Demand Deliveries)...

Fish Bypass Facilities - Tehama-Colusa Canal
Operation of the canal headworks has proven to be detrimental to migrating fish passing the Red Bluff Diversion Dam. Studies performed for the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation were undertaken...

Research Needs in Movement of Agricultural Chemicals to Groundwater
Better prediction of the movement of agricultural chemicals to groundwater is necessary to permit development of best management practices to reduce adverse environmental effects of agriculture....

Evaluating Groundwater Pollution Potential Using Geographical Information Systems
A procedure for developing groundwater pollution potential maps using a geographical information system (GIS) is introduced. The concept of pollution potential mapping is discussed, along...

Rehabilitation of Water Wells
The main causes of declining well yield are biological growths, mechanical clogging and chemical encrustation. Because the treatment of the causes of encrustation and clogging is expensive...

Near Real Time Irrigation Scheduling Using Heat Unit Based Crop Coefficients
An interactive computer program (SCHEDPEN) which utilizes growing-degree-day based crop coefficients for irrigation scheduling was developed and tested on cotton during 1988 and 1989 at...

Multi-Date Image Analyses Used for Determining Flood Area Impacts in the Saginaw River Basin, Michigan
During the months of September and October 1986, a series of storms swept across the Lower Peninsula of Michigan. These heavy downpours caused $400 million worth of flood damages. Significant...

Rainfall-Sampling Impacts on Runoff
The sensitivity of computed peak-runoff rates to rainfall-sampling frequency over three semiarid watersheds in southeastern Arizona of increasing size is investigated using the methodology...

Precipitation Simulation Model for Mountainous Areas
This study investigated the use of the Markov chain-mixed exponential (MCME) model as a means of obtaining synthetic daily precipitation amounts at a site, based on knowledge of the mean...

Runoff and Erosional Processes in an Arid Watershed
This paper reports the results of geomorphic, hydrologic, and hydraulic analyses that integrated a physical process computer model of rainfall/runoff processes with a geomorphic process/response...

Stochastic Modeling of Monthly Flows in Streams of Arid Regions
A new stochastic model is presented herein which is applicable to simulating monthly flows of streams in arid regions. The model enables one to reproduce the percentage of zero flows in...

Complex Geomorphic Response to Minor Climate Changes, San Diego County, CA
Precipitation in San Diego County, California over the past several hundred years has been characterized by excursions between periods of relatively low precipitation having durations...

Chemically-Enhanced Treatment: An Alternative to Biological Secondary Treatment for Ocean Outfalls
Chemically-enhanced treatment is a process whereby chemicals are added to wastewater in order to enhance solids removals through coagulation. This treatment process can obtain removal...

Water Supply and Aeration Demands for Shrimp Farms
A computer model was developed simulating flow and aeration requirements for a range of farm sizes, from 50 to 2000 hectares. Climatic effects and water quality upset conditions were included...

Guidance on the Selection and Use of Sediment Discharge Formulas
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the sediment function module of the computer program SAM. SAM is being developed as a product of the US Army Corps of Engineers Flood Control Channels...

Uncertainty Estimates for Rainfall-Runoff Model
Almost all rainfall-runoff link-node models in use today involve the subdivision of the catchment into smaller areas, linked together by a system of channel links. These 'link-node'...

Operational Model Development for Salinity Control
The 800 km2 Breton Sound estuary and watershed in Louisiana is being modeled to characterize its salinity regime in terms of hydrometeorological...





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