Equations to Predict Critical Submergence at Horizontal Hydraulic Intakes
The formation of free surface vortices at hydraulic intakes can disrupt operation and damage machinery. It is also a serious safety concern. Theoretical investigations and laboratory tests...

Total Sediment Loads of Tropical Rivers
Unmeasured and total sediment discharges were computed for 107 sets of data from the Amazon and Orinoco Rivers and their major tributaries. Unmeasured loads were generally small except...

Sedimentation and Flood Protection for the Lower Yellow River
The Lower Yellow River is known for its disastrous floods in the past. After 4 decades without major floodings, rapid economic and population growths along the River have drew concerns...

Refined Modelling of Water Quality Constituents in a Semi-Enclosed Coastal Wetland Basin
Details are given of the refinements to a numerical model to improve the representation of the advective transport of water quality constituents. The higher order accurate scheme adopted...

Development of the Lake Okeechobee Watershed Phosphorus Transport Model
The Lake Okeechobee watershed phosphorus model was developed to route flows and phosphorus loadings associated with point and nonpoint sources through a watershed transport system, and...

Orange County Florida Landfill Dilute Leachate Wetland Treatment and Restoration System
The Orange County Landfill began operation in 1971 as an EPA demonstration project for the purpose of defining landfill operations in high groundwater table areas. To prevent groundwater...

Environmental Control of Wetland Plant Communities
We have determined hydrologic regimes at a variety of sites while conducting studies to identify factors controlling wetland plant community composition and distribution. We have had relatively...

Surface Flows Over Intertidal Marshes
A marsh-flow measuring device has been designed to quantify the flow across the marsh surface. The fluorometric technique by tracking the visible substance (Rhodamine red dye) applied...

Modeling Saltwater Intrusion Control Measures in the West Coast Basin
In the 1960's and 1970's the West Coast Basin Barrier was constructed to protect tha major coastal groundwater basin from further salt water intrusion, which had been occurring as a result...

Debris Flow Velocity Estimation Methods for Natural Hazard Assessment
Debris flows are a special category of fluid and mass flow phenomena in which natural runoff entrains extremely high concentrations of sediment. The sediment-water mixture has properties...

Federal Levee Effects on Flood Heights Near St. Louis
A physical model of the Middle Mississippi River was used to perform quantitative analyses of Federal levee effects on flood heights. Contrary to some opinions of the general public, these...

Variability of Hydraulic Response of Constructed Wetlands
Dye tracer studies using Rhodamine WT have been performed on two field scale subsurface flow wetland units for further improvement of secondary treated municipal effluent at Byron Bay...

Multi-Disciplinary Strategies for Flood-Plain Restoration at the River Rhine
Within the scope of a multi-disciplinary concept, aims and measures of ecological and water resources management at the river Rhine in Nordrhein-Westfalen (Germany) are analyzed. Especially,...

Development Strategies for Botswana's Okavango Delta
This paper contrasts two different development strategies for the Okavango Delta - the Government of Botswana's Southern Okavango Integrated Water Development Project and an IUCN-proposed...

Wetland Management in Britain: A Comparative Approach
Wetland management in the United Kingdom is in an early stage of development. The importation of management aims and techniques from other countries with more advanced programmes is an...

Mathematical Modeling of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
The Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta consists of a complex network of interconnected channels, open bodies of water, dead-end sloughs, export pumps, reservoirs, tide gates and irrigation pumps....

Application of Four Point Model to the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
Four Point (Delong et al. 1993) is a finite-difference, one-dimensional, unsteady, open channel, hydrodynamic model. The Modeling Support Branch of the Division of Planning, California...

Accounting for Antecedent Conditions in Seawater Intrusion Modeling?Applications for the San Francisco Bay-Delta
A new method for predicting salinity variation with outflow is developed for the western Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta in northern California. A simple routing equation is used to calculate...

The DWR Delta Data Assembly Project
While much progress has been made in advancing the theoretical development of estuary models, relatively little effort has been made in improving the quality and quantity of historical...

Removal of Tidal Fluctuations from Pumping Test Data
A simple technique for removing tidal fluctuations from drawdown data was examined. This technique relied simply upon transforming measured surface water level data to fit the pretest...





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