Capped In-Water Disposal of Contaminated Dredged Material
The Seattle District and the Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station (WES), Vicksburg, Mississippi, are cooperating in a field demonstration study to evaluate the effectiveness...

An Application of Acoustic Core Analysis
This technique has shown itself to be extremely successful at Roberts Bank, in a highly variable bottom material, where shallow depths were not a significant problem, and some borehole...

Dredge Cutterhead Flow Processes
Feasibility studies of new dredge intake and cutterhead shielding techniques were conducted to improve hydraulic cutterhead dredge performance. Simple modification of the suction mouth...

Plunge Pool Erosion in Cohesive Soils at Two Dams in Kansas
Results of a field study of two plunge pools scoured by horizontal pipe outlets discharging on cohesive channels are analyzed. Formulas for critical tractive shear stress based on plasticity...

Sedimentation Study for the Rochester, Minnesota, Flood-Control Project
In a cooperative effort, the U. S. Army Engineer District, St. Paul (NCS), and the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) planned a combined flood-control project. The SCS portion of the project...

A Nebraska Power District's Experience in Stabilizing by Silt Injection
The structures, rolled earth and concrete, of the Central Nebraska Project are constructed on foundations of loessial soils that range from a few feet to more than 100 feet in depth. The...

Detention Pond Outlet Design for Pollution Control
Stormwater runoff detention ponds were originally developed for the control of flooding and the designs of the outlet control structure must be modified to obtain pollution control objectives....

Flood Travel Time
The effects of infiltration on the flood travel time are investigated. In flood prediction, the physical domain for flood cumulation is expressed by the period of time for water to travel...

Simple Hydrologic Modeling
Several simple models for estimating precipitation and evapotranspiration from a limited data base are discussed. Rainfall probabilities may be calculated from mean monthly rainfall. Depth-duration-frequencies...

Hydraulics and Hydrology of Border Irrigation
Proper description of the hydraulics of irrigation of farmland is necessary in management. Many descriptions of furrow or border irrigation are not adequate to describe truly physically...

Realistic Hydrology for Basin Management
Several realistic yet simple methods to describe infiltration, soil moisture redistribution, aquifer recharge, canal seepage and stream-aquifer interaction in a river basin are presented...

Assessing Irrigation Impact on Instream Flow
A hydrologic model to help river system managers determines the demand for irrigation water in a two mile wide strip of land along the river using information which is generally available...

SCS Water Supply Forecasting Opportunities
SCS personnel have been surveying the mountain snowpack, collecting other hydrometeorological data, and providing water supply forecasts to users for nearly 50 years. Recently, the snow...

Pipeline Materials and Design
The proper use of pipeline materials and design is obviously paramount in the private and public works sectors. The introduction and proper use of new piping materials and design procedures...

Sedimentation Consolidation Models?Predictions and Validation
In very soft sediments, questions have arisen concerning the capability of standard computational techniques used to implement calculations. The problems mainly lie in the manner in which...

Holland's Fight Against the Sea
The Netherlands have always been threatened by the sea, its Delta Region most of all. After the catastrophic floods of 1953, the Delta Plan for the strengthening of coastal defenses and...

Land Treatment of Hazardous Waste
Land treatment is one of several available alternatives to the use of landfills and surface impoundments for the treatment and disposal of hazardous waste. Using this technique, hazardous...

Frost Inducing Slides on Membrane-Lined Canal Slopes
Freezing beneath a polyvinyl chloride membrane lining caused water in the subgrade soil voids to migrate upward and to form thin ice lenses under the lining. During a spell of warm weather,...

Overview: Introduction to Cold Region Construction
Speaking of cold region construction, it is natural to think only of the arctic, however, this is completely erroneous. Throughout North America there are various types of cold region...

Cold Regions Earthwork
The purpose of this paper is to outline the state-of-the-practice in cold regions earthwork based on experience gained in the Prudhoe Bay area of Alaska. Material properties of fill used...





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