Implications of Technical and Legislative Harmonization for Integrated Coastal Zone Management in the Wider Caribbean Region
Sustainable development within the coastal areas of the wider Caribbean region will require government and non-government institutions alike to coordinate their activities, both nationally...

Comprehensive Analysis of Physical Processes in a Coastal Lagoon: New Insights for Estuarine Management
Long-term observations of physical processes in the Indian River Lagoon have been analyzed to resolve the various forcings and boundary conditions that control episodic salt intrusion,...

Management of a Continental Shelf Ecosystem
The ecological system of the Mississippi-Alabama continental shelf is highly diverse and productive and contains unique natural features worth preserving. This system is intimately bound...

The National Estuary Program: A Preliminary Evaluation of the Management Conference Process
The National Estuary Program (NEP) is a federal program administered by the Environmental Protection Agency which develops Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plans (CCMPs) for estuaries...

Duck Soup: Resolving Resource Conflicts at Rush Ranch
Land use conflicts are intensifying as population grows and habitat shrinks. Differences between duck hunters, cattle ranchers, bird watchers and a half dozen state and local agencies...

Five Year Program to Evaluate Sand, Mineral and Hard Bottom Resources of the Continental Shelf off South Carolina
In July of 1992, the State of South Carolina entered into a cooperative arrangement with the Minerals Management Service (MMS) to establish a technical working group to identify and evaluate...

Method for Understanding the Characteristics of Coastal Zones from Historical and Geographical Viewpoints
Through this model investigation of the Miura Peninsula, it was found that collection of various kinds of coastal zone geographical information in the format of a CZCT is useful for understanding...

Natural Resource Damage Case Selection Criteria
A number of practical considerations dictate that only a fraction of all potential natural resource claims are actually negotiated or litigated under Federal statutes that provides for...

The Use of Economics in Restoration Planning
Economic methods can be used to estimate the value of resource services in terms of a common denominator (e.g., dollars). Resource value estimates can help in determining the expected...

Vertical Erosion on Beaches and the National Flood Insurance Program
During the 25 years that the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) has been in existence, there has been an increasing recognition of the contribution of both episodic and long-term...

The National Flood Insurance Program and Coastal Hazards
The year 1993 marks the 25th anniversary of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). This milestone offers an excellent opportunity to assess and discuss the relative effectiveness...

Relocating Erosion-Threatened Buildings?A Study of North Carolina Housemoving
Relocation moves the existing building if it becomes threatened by erosion. Each option has its own tradeoffs - advantages and disadvantages, that should be evaluated for the particular...

Historical Shoreline Position Change for the Mainland Beach in Harrison County, Mississippi
Historical shoreline position change (1851/52 to 1986) associated with the mainland beach in Harrison County, Mississippi, are controlled by engineering activities associated with beach...

Myths, Models and Managers of Marine Resources
This paper argues that the assumptions of scientific models are often accepted without verification. Examining the use of Hardin's tragedy of the commons model in the management of marine...

T. L. James Marine Group Beach Nourishment Projects
To complete the referred to projects as used the highly maneuverable, 1,300 cubic-yard-capacity hopper dredges ATCHAFALAYA and MERMENTAU, both of which are self-propelled, split-hopper,...

United States National Marine Fisheries Service Role/Contribution in Restoring Coastal Habitats Under the Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection, and Restoration ACt of 1990
The agency has assembled a diverse team from government, academia, the private sector, and its program staff within the region to develop specific guidelines for identifying and evaluating...

Spilling Oil for the Environment
In a misdirected effort to make our coastal waters safe from oil spills, Congress has needlessly increased the risk. In fact, it has all but ensured that oil spills will happen with increasing...

Oil Spill Contingency Planning?Public Participation Through the Coastal Zone Management Process
After the Exxon Valdez tanker ran aground in Alaska on March 24, 1989, spilling over ten million gallons of crude oil into the waters of Prince William Sound, attention focused on the...

Strategies for Estuarine Management: Rookery Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve
In 1990, FDNR initiated the development of a strategic plan that identified significant resource threats to the Rookery bay estuary, and five primary resource management strategies in...

The Mullica River?Great Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve: A Unique Opportunity for Research, Preservation, and Management
The NOAA program on National Estuarine Research Reserves (NERR) has developed to encompass 21 locations, each dedicated to the development and operation of an estuarine area as a natural...





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