Developing Renewable and Alternative Energy Sources
The development of small scale, renewable or alternative (R/A) energy resources was originally perceived as environmentally more acceptable than large-scale conventional projects. The...
Conference Overview
An Engineering Foundation Conference organized by the ASCE Urban Water Resources Research Council was held at New England College in Henniker, New Hampshire, June 22-27, 1986. This paper...
Conference on Urban Runoff Quality-Objectives
The agenda for this conference on urban runoff quality was structured to expedite technology transfer through the expression, consolidation and evaluation of opinions, facts, experience...
Report on NATO Workshop on Urban Runoff Quality
Major presentations and discussions from the 1985 NATO advanced research workshop on urban runoff quality are summarized. The topics discussed include the characterization of urban runoff...
Urban Stormwater - Quality Investigations by the USGS
U. S. Geological Survey (USGS) urban stormwater investigations, in cooperation with local and Federal agencies, have produced significant national data bases of information and enhanced...
Modeling Urban Runoff Quality: State-of-the-Art
Procedures used in urban runoff quality modeling are reviewed in the context of common objectives of urban runoff quality analysis. The need for calibration/verification data is emphasized...
Physical and Chemical Data Needs for Design
The problems and deficiencies in the existing characterisation and evaluation of urban stormwater runoff quality are examined through discussion of adopted and proposed design criteria...
Toxicology and Chemistry of Metals in Urban Runoff
Water quality characteristics such as inorganic and organic ligands, pH, and water hardness will reduce the toxicity of metals through different chemical or physiological mechanisms. Increases...
Disciplinary Integration: The Solution
The objective of this paper is to encourage a careful review of the interactions between engineers and bioenvironmental scientists (biologists, ecologists, and ecotoxicologists) as they...
Review of Data Needs and Collection Technology
The quality - or pollutional effect - of urban runoff has not attained a societal level of importance sufficient to support understanding it, much less controlling it. The paper reviews...
Sources of Urban Pollutants?Do we Know Enough?
The non-USGS data from the NURP program are summarized in terms of their availability and adequacy for decision making and modeling. Results of selected projects are reviewed and related...
Estimation of Urban Storm-Runoff Loads
The United States was divided into three regions, on the basis of mean annual rainfall, to decrease the variability in storm-runoff constituent loads and to improve regression relations...
Urban Runoff and Water Quality Criteria
The significance of water quality impacts from urban runoff could be judged on the basis of existing water quality criteria developed to control continuous point source discharges. Wet-weather...
Pollution Sources and Potential Impacts?Next Steps
The paper presents the propositions that there is much to learn about what determines the magnitude and variability of pollutant loads in urban runoff; and with the exception of nutrient...
Potential Impacts on Receiving Waters
As a discrete source of water-borne pollutants that are discharged to receiving waters, urban stormwater runoff can be and has been in specific instances a source of water quality problems....
Assessing Biological Effects of Contaminants In Situ
This paper presents a monitoring strategy for assessing the effects of anthropogenic contaminants on aquatic organisms. This strategy takes advantage of our increased understanding of...
Impacts of Urban Runoff on Estuarine Ecosystems
This paper first attempts to characterize the types of pollutants which could be expected to enter an estuary from urban runoff. Then, based on existing knowledge of the impacts of various...
Urban Runoff Impacts on Receiving Waters
Urban stormwater runoff contaminants affect the principal receiving water uses of: (1) public water supply, (2) recreation, (3) protection of aquatic life forms, (4) agricultural and industrial...
EPA's Perspective of Urban Nonpoint Sources
The overall goal of the Nationwide Urban Runoff Program (NURP) was to develop information that would help provide local decision makers, States, EPA, and other interested parties with...
Bellevue's Urban Storm Water Permit and Program
The Bellevue Storm Water Management Utility has been in operation for over ten years. At its initiation, flooding and erosion control were its main mission. Today with increasing focus...
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