Port of Long Beach Supertanker Terminal
The supertanker marine terminal and crude-oil transfer facility at Berth 121 on Pier E in the Port of Long Beach, California is the largest tanker-handling berth on the West Coast. This...

Research on the Strength Characteristics of Timber Piling
Research on the strength characteristics of wet Southern Pine and Douglas Fir piling and poles is presented. Included are background information on wood's strength characteristics,...

Fisherman's Wharf Breakwater Design and Construction
Fisherman's Wharf Breakwater is a precast prestressed concrete structure presently under construction. It consists of vertical sheet piles braced at the top by batter piles....

Expansion of the Electro-Coal Transfer Terminal
This paper briefly describes renovation and expansion of the coal and phosphate marine terminal in Davant, La. The program included: replacement of existing berths damaged by marine accident;...

Development of Prestressed Concrete Fender Piles
An ongoing effort is reported to develop prestressed concrete fender piles for use in a wide range of pier fendering applications. Preliminary analysis and testing results indicate that...

Underwater Compaction of Sand Fill During Placement
A system and related equipment have been developed, and tested on a recent dredged fill project, to compact sand, either clean or with limited silt, in lifts several feet in thickness...

Seismic Design of Earth Retaining Wharf Structures
Seismic design considerations pertinent to earth retaining wharf structures are reviewed. These considerations include: evaluation of the seismic environment and design earthquake ground...

Marginal Wharf and Embankments?Seismic Design
This paper presents some of the seismic considerations used for the improvements at Berths 225 to 229 at the Port of Los Angeles. The design of the improvements was complicated by the...

Dynamic Response of Structures
The primary goal of the third specialty conference on the dynamics of structures was to provide a forum for dialogue between engineers conducting experimental tests and those developing...

Lifeline Seismic Risk Analysis?Case Studies
These papers employ design concepts and procedures in lifeline seismic risk analysis. Two of the papers describe the seismic hazards in the northwestern United States. A systems model...

Effects of Deterioration on Safety and Reliability of Structures
Deterioration of structural and non-structural elements in commercial, industrial and residential constructions is of general concern to investors, design engineers, architects, contractors...

Geotechnical Aspects of Stiff and Hard Clays
This publication contains articles that deal with field and laboratory measurements of engineering properties of stiff (overconsolidated) clays, and comparisons of predicted and measured...

Settlement of Shallow Foundations on Cohesionless Soils
Design and Performance
The main objectives of this book are to present some of the available techniques for estimating the settlement of shallow foundations on cohesionless soils, and to compare predicted and...

Use of In Situ Tests for Foundation Design on Clay
Years of evaluated experience with the field vane test in soft clays have resulted in empirical correction factors well suited for design practice. An extension of L. Bjerrum's...

Deformation Characteristics of Cohesionless Soils from In Situ Tests
This paper is a summary of seven years experience gained by the National Electricity Board of Italy (ENEL), ISMES and Technological University of Turin in assessing these parameters using...

Pressuremeter and Foundation Design
The design of shallow and deep foundations on the basis of pressuremeter results is analyzed using numerous load tests and case histories. The foundations are shallow footings subjected...

Seismic Cone Penetration Test
A new test, called the seismic cone penetration test (SCPT) is described. A small rugged velocity seismometer has been incorporated into an electronic cone penetrometer. The combination...

In Situ Testing for Lock and Dam 26 Cellular Cofferdam
The in situ testing consisted of split spoon and cone penetration tests, Menard and self-boring pressuremeter tests, and Marchetti dilatometer tests. The testing program proved to be challenging...

Field Permeability Test for Earthen Liners
A sealed double-ring infiltrometer (SDRI) was developed for in-situ measurements of the hydraulic conductivity of earthen liners and covers. The characteristic of the SDRI that distinguishes...

Borehole Shear Test and Slope Stability
Three Iowa landslides analyzed on the basis of Borehole Shear Test (BST) data are reported. The soils included CL and ML loess and glacial till, and CH clay shale. Back-calculations from...





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