Long Term Testing of Centrifugally Cast Glass Fibre Reinforced Plastic Pipes (RIRP)
The paper discusses testing of pipe manufactured by centrifugal molding. The tests included external load tests, internal load, hydrostatic internal pressure, and cyclic internal pressure....

A Study of Inlet Control Alternatives for SWM
A laboratory study of alternatives for effecting inlet control on urban storm sewer systems for stormwater management (SWM) is described. The test facility was a full-size physical model...

Field Testing of 84-Inch-Diameter Plastic Pipe
During the summer of 1981, a research project was initiated to monitor strains and deformation in 84-inch diameter RPM (reinforced plastic mortar) pressure pipe. Three 20-foot (6. 1-m)...

Successful Use of Centrifugally Cast Glassfiber Reinforced Plastic (GRP) Pressure Pipes for Public Works in Sweden
Centrifugally cast GRP pipes were introduced in Sweden 17 years ago for industrial applications mainly as a gravity pipe. The process of pipe manufacturing as well as the pipe itself and...

Influence of Frost Action on the Load Exerted on Buried Pipe
When work was started on revising the Swedish code for concrete pipes at the end of the 70's, a research project was carried out to evaluate the risk of increased load due...

Aggregation and Consolidation of Phosphatic Clays
The consolidation behavior of aggregated phosphatic clays has been investigated using a bench scale centrifuge. It was determined that aggregation of the clays with phosphogypsum, a waste...

Integration of Micro, Mini, and Mainframe Computers in WES Hydraulics Studies
The U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station (WESA) Hydraulics Laboratory is involved in hydraulic studies of navigation and flood control projects of the Army Corps...

Application of Water Budget to Seepage Loss Estimation
The seepage loss for the emergency cooling water spray pond has been calculated by performing a water balance study for the pond. A field test of the spray pond was performed to estimate...

A Ground Water Flow Model for Protection of the Northwest Well Field, Dade County, Florida
A new study was initiated to determine the appropriate cone of depression for the Northwest Well Field and to develop land use restrictions within that area. A finite-difference ground...

Field Evaluation of a Diffuser-Induced Mixing Model
Early physical model studies of the diffusers at Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant qualitatively document the mixing characteristics of the thermal effluent. Based on these studies, the dilution...

Integrated Hydrothermodynamic Study of Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant
The results of hydrothermodynamic analyses and computer models discussed in previous papers are combined to present an integrated study supporting a request for alternative thermal limits...

Interactive Computer Aided Graphic Water Well Pumping Test Evaluation Software
A microcomputer software package was developed which allows the user to interactively evaluate pumping tests using semilog and log-log graphic methods for time-drawdown, step-drawdown,...

Using Microcomputers for Groundwater Flow Analysis
Micro-computers offer an effective and efficient method for rapid and comprehensive analyses of groundwater flow. There are now numerous codes which have been developed specifically for...

Frazil Ice Control Using Air Guns
The design of the J. H. Campbell, Unit 3, Cooling Water Intake in the late 1970's used some new ideas and concepts in response to a strong concern for fish protection at a...

Laboratory Studies for the J. H. Campbell, Unit No. 3, Cooling Water Intake Design
A three-year study sponsored by the Empire State Electric Energy Research Corporation was conducted to determine the overall efficiency of a full-scale angled screen demonstration facility...

Streamflow Monitoring with Ultrasonic Recorders
In September 1983, four new streamflow monitoring sites were established in a west Chestnut Ridge catchment at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Ultrasonic level/flow recorders were used...

Embankment Overtopping Tests to Evaluate Damage
The paper reports on studies of embankments 6 ft high, 10 to 22 ft in crest width, and 3 ft in length, with slope varying from 2:1 to 4:1. Embankment surfaces include pavement, grass,...

Overtopping of Small Dams?An Alternative for Dam Safety
A research effort was initiated in 1983 by the Bureau of Reclamation to gain insight in the development of cost-effective modifications to small embankment dams which would enable them...

Secondary Circulation Data Acquisition System
A computerized field data collection system was developed for a project investigating secondary circulation in natural rivers. The instrumentation includes a Commodore mini-computer with...

Electronic Worksheet Applications in Hydrology and Hydraulics
Spreadsheet software packages are available for virtually all micro computers in use today. Although they are quite often thought of as business tools, their usefulness as engineering...





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